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Urinary tract infection edited

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects any of the urinary systems such as bladder, kidney, urethra, and
ureters. Women are at a higher risk of getting infected. The urinary tract infection includes urethritis,
cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Antibiotics are the most used treatment for UTI. Patients should be advised
to tale plenty of water to flush bacteria from the body. Some pain killer may be used to help relieve
pain. A nurse can advise a patient to use Cranberry juice, which treats or prevent UTI. The berries have a
tannin that prevents bacteria caused by urinary tract infections. For people with chronic UTI, a dose of
ana antibiotic is given for a long period of infection from reoccurring.
For a patient receiving ciprofloxacin, the nurse should be alert for new increased seizure activity,
document severity, and the number of duration and report the findings to the physician. Monitoring of
any sign if anaphylaxis and hypersensitive should be done. The nurse should assess any sign of
pseudomembranous colitis and report them to the physician. The nurse should also be ready for
agitation, confusion, or another mental status.
Urinary tract infection (UTI). (2007, September 11).

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects any of the urinary systems such as bladder, kidney, urethra, and ureters. Women are at a higher risk of getting infected. The urinary tract infection includes urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Antibiotics are the most used treatment for UTI. Patients sho ...
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