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The research initiatives.
The integrity of research data: Kleppner (2010) asserts that the researchers must always employ the
accuracy and truth of their data. This is through the practice of ensuring the validity of the interpreted
data following the checking and then rechecking. Again, the submission of the results is very important
to squint for further confirmation that the data is sound.
The validity of the research: this helps in providing relevant results to meet the interest of all the
audience. For example, According to Andersen (2004), there is the internal validity, whereby the
researchers explain on the observation of the study, maybe the results were due independent variable
manipulated and not as a result of any other factor.
The EBP initiatives.
Conducting an efficient literature search: Walter (2005) states that additional information has been an
idea of improving the patient's outcomes and their care too. Literature review techniques assist the
audience in getting clear knowledge of what to follow and practice.
Identifying knowledge gaps: this assists in collecting findings that include the study of the present
factors, which is assisted by the bridging between the gaps of practice and research and practice.
Therefore the audience gets the best explanation in the present study.
Andersen, P. H., & Wagtmann, M. A. (2004). Ensuring validity in qualitative international business
research. In Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for International Business (pp. 464-485). Edward
Elgar Publishing.
Kleppner, D. (2010). Ensuring the integrity, accessibility, and stewardship of research data in the digital
Walter, I., Nutley, S., & Davies, H. (2005). What works to promote evidence-based practice? A cross-
sector review. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 1(3), 335-364.

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The research initiatives. The integrity of research data: Kleppner (2010) asserts that the researchers must always employ the accuracy and truth of their data. This is through the practice of ensuring the validity of the interpreted data following the checking and then rechecking. Again, the submiss ...
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