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Weight loss by exercise without changing your diet.
During the act of losing weight, the body also needs a lot of energy in that one loses power too. Many
people believe that there is no need for one to take food to reduce body weight. This is very different
from their thoughts because one can really lose weight through exercise and not changing the diet.
Again, a healthy diet makes the loosing of weight more effective than depending on restrictions of
calories. Researchers also continue to explain the importance of feeding well while exercising to lose
weight. According to Ross et al. (2000), They argue that the usual diet makes one improve his or her
fitness other than becoming very slim due to a change in diet. Another argument is that during exercise,
people need a lot of od food to compensate for the energy loss. This can be well explained in that when
one does not eat the required amount of food after any exercise. Therefore the next period, the training
is to be done, will not be perfect because there is no preserved energy.
Therefore, for people who have the habit of taking proteins in their meals should not be in a position to
stop taking proteins while exercising. The reason behind all this, like it is stated by Garrow (1995), is
because proteins will help one be full for long, and one is likely not to overeat. These proteins may
include eggs, peanut butter, lean meat, or even beans. Experts in weight loss always recommend eating
while exercising so that the levels of the blood to remain steady, thus avoiding overindulging.

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Weight loss by exercise without changing your diet. During the act of losing weight, the body also needs a lot of energy in that one loses power too. Many people believe that there is no need for one to take food to reduce body weight. This is very different from their thoughts because one can really lose weight through exercise and not changing the diet. Again, a healthy diet makes the loosing of weight more effective than depending on restrictions of calories. Researchers also continue to explain the importance of feeding well while exercising to lose weight. According to Ross et al. (2000), ...
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