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Late Surgery Chart

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Chapter 14: Exercise 14-2 (page 297 of the text)
Using the following data, prepare a run chart, scatter chart, and control chart. A late surgery is
defined as any surgical operation that was started more than 30 minutes after its scheduled time
(Table 14-4)
Table 14-4 Number of Late Surgeries
Month Number of Surgeries Number of Late Surgeries
January 435 112
February 401 129
March 572 186
April 409 103
May 577 89
June 329 67
July 467 156
August 301 94
September 235 89
October 325 127
November 378 156
December 444 124

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Homework Chapter 14: Exercise 14-2 (page 297 of the text) Using the following data, prepare a run chart, scatter chart, and control chart. A late surgery is defined as any surgical operation that was started more than 30 minutes after its scheduled time (Table 14-4) Table 14-4 Number of Late Surgeries Month Number of Surgeries Number of Late Surgeries January 435 112 February 401 129 March 572 186 April 409 103 May 577 89 June 329 67 July 467 156 August 301 94 September 235 89 October 325 127 November 378 156 December 444 124 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 250 ...
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