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Week 4 discussion 7

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Please respond to the following:
What are frequent causes of stress and ways to effectively manage each cause?
How can managers help alleviate workplace stress of their subordinates?
Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Hello Class and Professor,
Stress is brought on by a number of different things. Work is a top reason why people
stress. When it comes to a job people tend to become workaholics and just work, work,
work. They work so much that is causes stress on the body and they don't see it. A lot
of people fail to realize that your body will begin to shut down if it gets to the point where
it can no longer take all the stress you put on it. The way managers can reduce the
stress level at the job is to do warm up exercise with their employees, also they can
have a morning meeting maybe twice a week and let everyone talk about whats going in
their life outside of work. It's the small things that can help the most.

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Please respond to the following: • • What are frequent causes of stress and ways to effectively manage each cause? How can managers help alleviate workplace stress of their subordinates? Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Hello Class and Professor, Stress is brought on by a n ...
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