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Week 2 discussion 3

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Week 2 Discussion Attachment
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Please respond to the following:
As a manager, what are some policies you could implement to keep your workers engaged at their jobs?
How would you ensure all employee personalities are accounted for in this plan?
Hello Professor,
Wow, we match colors! I am blue also. I was surprised how accurate it was about
avoiding conflict. I am such an introvert, even when it comes to the workplace. I like to
get things done and I will get it done even if I have to do it alone. I'm innovative and
resourceful which makes for a great team player, but a natural born leader. I'm tempted
to have my husband take it to see what his results are. I am curious. I think I will. This
should be very interesting.

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Week 2 Discussion Attachment COLLAPSE Overall Rating: 12345 12345 Please respond to the following: As a manager, what are some policies you could implement to keep your workers engaged at their jobs? How would you ensure all employee personalities are accounted for in this plan? Hello Professor, ...
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