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Name: Lesley Liengu Luma
Final thesis’ title: Effects of entrepreneurship on the Cameroonian
Research framework
Topic relevance (up to 500 characters)
The republic of Cameroon , popularly
referred to as ‘Africa in Miniature’
because of its cultural and geographical
diversity, coupled with its bilingual nature
gives the country the lead in business
when compared to its neighbors, the
country has an outpour of resources like
oil, gas, raw materials (cocoa, coffee
beans, banana, rubber, wood) etc.
Despite these advantages the country
has, thousands of youths graduate yearly
in Cameroon and end up unemployed
because the government cannot create
jobs for this large population. Statistics
show that the unemployment rate in
Cameroon from 2001 and 2017 is at
8.94% according to the ILO estimates.
Because of this lack of job opportunities,
entrepreneurs have emerged in their
numbers in almost all works of life;
moviemaking, agriculture, business,
fashion and so on. These entrepreneurs

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have been reshaping the continent by
boosting its workforce, increasing its
employment rates etc.
Starting a business in Cameroon despite
all its advantages can be very frustrating.
Entrepreneurs face a large number of
challenges: lack of funding, bureaucracy,
small market size, bad infrastructure,
inconsistent electricity supply, etc.
Despite the problems the country faces in
general, many youths are determined to
own businesses and be in control of their
financial situations. And amidst all this
turmoil in its political sector, is a ready
market waiting to be explored and the
youths are gradually taking over. The
government supports this entrepreneurial
spirit and created a Ministry for Small and
Medium size enterprises which supports
these start-ups with loans and incentives
because they Cameroonians are very
entrepreneurial people as more and more
start-ups emerge daily. it is indeed an
exciting time to be an Entrepreneur in
Cameroon as Entrepreneurship has
become part of the Cameroonian identity.
With a ‘Made-In-Cameroon’ drive, that is
focused on boosting local manufacturing
produces, an ‘Invest-in-Cameroon’ drive
that is focused on bringing in foreign

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Topic Project Name: Lesley Liengu Luma Final thesis’ title: Effects of entrepreneurship on the Cameroonian Economy Research framework Topic relevance (up to 500 characters) The republic of Cameroon , popularly referred to as ‘Africa in Miniature’ because of its cultural and geographical diversity, coupled with its bilingual nature gives the country the lead in business when compared to its neighbors, the country has an outpour of resources like oil, gas, raw materials (cocoa, coffee beans, banana, rubber, wood) etc. Despite these advantages the country has, thousands of youths graduate yearly in Cameroon and end up unemployed because the government cannot create jobs for this large population. Statistics show that the unemployment rate in Cameroon from 2001 and 2017 is at 8.94% according to the ILO estimates. Because of this lack of job opportunities, entrepreneurs have emerged in their numbers in almost all works of life; moviemaking, agriculture, business, fashion and so on. These entrepreneurs have been reshaping the continent by boosting its workforce, increasing its employment rates etc. Starting a business in Cameroon despite all its advantages can be very frustrating. Entrepreneurs face a large number of challenges: lack of funding, bureaucracy, small market size, bad infrastructure, inconsistent electricity supply, etc. Despite the problems the country faces in general, many youths are determined to own businesses and be in control of their financial situati ...
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