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Difference between an emr ehr and phr

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What is the difference between an EMR, EHR, and PHR? What type of tools and
information might you find in each?
EMR Electronic Medical Records, EHR Electronic Health Records and PHR
Personal Health Records are three terms with their meaning varies throughout the world where
they are applied within and outside the field of the e-health industry, hence creating confusion to
many people. The three often used interchangeably when in the real sense they totally mean
different things. This makes the description of these health records concept complexes in
consideration to their usage, care, tools and the technology involved as in harmony with Smolij
& Dun (2006).
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
An application situation that is made out of the clinical information archive, clinical choice
support, controlled restorative vocabulary, arrange passage, mechanized specialist organize
section and clinical documentation applications. This condition bolsters the patient's electronic
therapeutic record crosswise over inpatient and outpatient situations and is utilized by human
services professionals to archive screen, and mange therapeutic services convey. Similarly, it can
be seen as the health-related data on a person that can be made, assembled, overseen, and
counseled by approved clinicians and staff within a healthcare organization as in accordance to
Hillestad, Bigelow et Al (2005).

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Electronic Health Records (EHR)
A safe, coordinated gathering of a person's experiences with the health care system; it gives a
complete computerized perspective of a patient's wellbeing history. A longitudinal electronic
record of patient welfare data produced by at least one experiences in any care conveys setting.
Incorporated into this data are quite socioeconomics, advance notes, issues, drugs, important
signs, past medicinal history, vaccinations, research facility information, and radiology reports
and pictures. The EHR mechanizes and streamlines the clinician's work process. The EHR can
create a total record of a clinical patient experience, and also supporting other care-related
exercises specifically or in a roundabout way using interface; including proof based choice
support, quality administration, and results revealing. Wellbeing related data on a person that
complies with broadly perceived interoperability measures and that can be made, overseen, and
counseled by approved clinicians and staff crosswise over more than one social insurance
association as narrated by Ambinder, (2005).
Personal Health Records (PHR)
An electronic individual wellbeing record ('ePHR') is an all-around clear, layman
understandable, durable device for overseeing significant health data, advancing welfare support,
and helping with unending sickness administration through an original, standard informational
collection of electronic wellbeing data and e-wellbeing devices. The ePHR is claimed, overseen,
and shared by the individual or his or her legal proxy(s) and must be secure to ensure the
protection and secrecy of the health data it contains as explained by Luo, (2006).

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What is the difference between an EMR, EHR, and PHR? What type of tools and information might you find in each? Introduction EMR – Electronic Medical Records, EHR – Electronic Health Records and PHR – Personal Health Records are three terms with their meaning varies throughout the world where they are applied within and outside the field of the e-health industry, hence creating confusion to many people. The three often used interchangeably when in the real sense they totally mean different things. This makes the description of these health records concept complexes in consideration to their usage, care, tools and the technology involved as in harmony with Smolij & Dun (2006). Electronic Medical Record (EMR) An application situation that is made out of the clinical information archive, clinical choice support, controlled restorative vocabulary, arrange passage, mechanized specialist organize section and clinical documentation applications. This condition bolsters the patient's electronic therapeutic record crosswise over inpatient and outpatient situations and is utilized by human services professionals to archive screen, and mange therapeutic services convey. Similarly, it c ...
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