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Nursing Orientation: Resource Insert Sheets
Jennifer L. Wilson, RN
Rasmussen University
NUR4327: -Influence of Policy, Finance, and Law on Healthcare
Professor David Campbell-Odell
February 21, 2021

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Nursing Orientation: Resource Insert Sheets
Part One: Policy Section
Policies and procedures act as guidelines that institute uniformity and consistency in the nursing
practice. Failure to comply with set guidelines sets the nurse, patient, and facility at risk. As a
licensed nurse, receiving current and accurate information within the healthcare industry directs
improved decision-making and is a progressive aspect of building team rapport. Policy in
healthcare is vital because it defines the general plan of action used to manage desired outcomes.
The idea of healthcare policy is to communicate to employees the organization's desired
outcomes (Irving, 2014).
Means for staying current can include conferences, professional nursing journal subscriptions,
and participating organizations like the American Nurses Association. When nurses work as
committee members, they can serve alongside co-workers in unique dimensions. For example,
serving with a physician associate on developing a protocol can generate heightened respect and
cooperation in the clinical area. A registered nurse holds knowledge, experience, and viewpoints
that uniquely provide them to engage in policy formulation. R.N.'s can examine health policy
plans that local legislators establish for their terms in office and volunteer to partake in policy
meetings or relevant activities. As earlier mentioned, nurses can remain involved in policy and
politics at the state and federal level by joining a professional nursing organization. Specific
organizations often have lobbyists that bring nursing concerns to Capitol Hill. Nurses can write
their state representatives regarding healthcare policy and propose changes based on policy
research evidence, presenting fundamental data to policymakers. Nurse management should
actively promote staff to be involved in policy and politics and provide them with time, budget,
resources, and opportunities (RNAction, 2020).

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1 Nursing Orientation: Resource Insert Sheets Jennifer L. Wilson, RN Rasmussen University NUR4327: -Influence of Policy, Finance, and Law on Healthcare Professor David Campbell-Odell February 21, 2021 2 Nursing Orientation: Resource Insert Sheets Part One: Policy Section Policies and procedures act as guidelines that institute uniformity and consistency in the nursing practice. Failure to comply with set guidelines sets the nurse, patient, and facility at risk. As a licensed nurse, receiving current and accurate information within the healthcare industry directs improved decision-making and is a progressive aspect of building team rapport. Policy in healthcare is vital because it defines the general plan of action used to manage desired outcomes. The idea of healthcare policy is to communicate to employees the organization's desired outcomes (Irving, 2014). Means for staying current can include conferences, professional nursing journal subscriptions, and participating organizations like the American Nurses Association. When nurses work as committee members, they can serve alongside co-workers in unique dimensions. For example, serving with a physician associate on developing a protocol can generate heightened respect and cooperation in the clinical area. A registered nurse holds knowledge, experience, and viewpoints that uniquely provide them to engage in policy formulation. R.N.'s can examine health policy plans that local legislators establish for their terms in office a ...
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