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Jwilson deliverable1 ethicaldilemmainnursingpractice 10112020

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PURPOSE Refers to the clients right to make their own decisions regarding their health-care decisions even if physician doesn’t agree with the choices. Ethical principle based on the beliefs that the health-care provider should do no harm, prevent harm, remove existing harm, and promote the good and well-being of the client. Ethical principle that requires the professional to do no harm to the client. The word ethics comes from a Greek term Fairness; giving people their due. “ethos” which means custom, habitual usage, conduct and character. Research of ethics has identified basic concepts, including rights to (Catalano,2015) autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and fidelity.(Catalano,2015) Nurses are guided by the ANA Code of Ethics in which assist them in making ethical decisions and maintaining ethical standards. It outlines the obligations nurses have to patients and the nursing profession. RECOGNIZING AND UNDERSTANDING THESE CONCEPTS: ➢ Aids the nurse in making decisions when challenging situations arise ➢ Sets standards for nurses' behaviors ➢ Provides general guidelines for nursing actions ➢ Helps to distinguish between right and wrong ➢ Enables a correct decision to protect the right of the client and their decision regarding their health care WHAT IS AN ETHICAL DILEMMA? ➢ An ethical dilemma is a situation that can arise when a moral issue challenges an individual to choose between two equally opposed alternatives. ➢ T ...
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