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Jwilson patientsatthecoreoftechnologyinnovations 12062020

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Deliverable 6- Patients at the Core of Technology Innovations
Jennifer L. Wilson, RN
Rasmussen University
NUR3472CBE: Section01CBE Emerging Healthcare Technologies and Innovation
Professor Candy Bradbury
December 10, 2020

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Patients at the Core of Technology Innovations
This improvement plan refers to a formal manuscript that entails repeat performance issues, with
the objectives to achieve a better outcome. The improvement plan below displays the concerns
for Ms. Mabel and the hospital's failure to meet her healthcare needs. The hospital's IT
department caused her to face difficulty assessing her health records and medication details,
which developed a negative perception in her about the hospital's healthcare delivery system.
She also faced difficulties with the physician and healthcare team with the delay in the discharge
Priority Activities
How Will You
Measure Success
When will the
plan be
Deadline/Review Results
1. To Reduce the delay
of discharges and
promote effective
through health care
team members while
facilitating the
ownership of delays
to improve/reduce
delayed discharge
The delayed discharge
causes stress for both the
patient and the staff, which
adversely affects
interpersonal relationships
within the healthcare team
and frustration with the
patient. All healthcare
team members i.e., the
physician, the nurse should
collaborate and
communicate effectively to
begin discharge on
admission to ensure a
smooth transition for the
patient; this helps ensure
the patient is not
anticipating discharge
when orders are not
complete(Rojas-García et
al., 2018).
monitoring and
engagement of
teams with regular
feedback are
essential in
achieving and
sustaining timely
Start Date:
Within the next three
months, improvements
through clear, effective
communication across the
healthcare team.

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Deliverable 6- Patients at the Core of Technology Innovations Jennifer L. Wilson, RN Rasmussen University NUR3472CBE: Section01CBE Emerging Healthcare Technologies and Innovation Professor Candy Bradbury December 10, 2020 2 Patients at the Core of Technology Innovations This improvement plan refers to a formal manuscript that entails repeat performance issues, with the objectives to achieve a better outcome. The improvement plan below displays the concerns for Ms. Mabel and the hospital's failure to meet her healthcare needs. The hospital's IT department caused her to face difficulty assessing her health records and medication details, which developed a negative perception in her about the hospital's healthcare delivery system. She also faced difficulties with the physician and healthcare team with the delay in the discharge process. IMPROVEMENT PLAN Priority Activities 1. To Reduce the delay of discharges and promote effective communication through health care team members while facilitating the ownership of delays to improve/reduce delayed discharge times. Goals The delayed discharge causes stress for both the patient and the staff, which adversely affects interpersonal relationships within the healthcare team and frustration with the patient. All healthcare team members – i.e., the physician, the nurse should collaborate and communicate effectively to begin discharge on admission to ensure a smooth transition for the patient; this helps ensure the patient is not ...
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