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Seana second lang acquisition paper

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Seana almadhrahi
Lin 100.6-0501
Second Language Acquisition
Being bilingual is an interesting experience and requires individual skills and motivation.My
friend's name is Xue Lin, grew up in Fujian province, which is south of China. She moved with
her family to the United States about three years ago. obviously, her native language is Chinese
and English is her second language. Xue Lin's parents are both not bilingual which is the same as
my parents. We have the same situation: they only speak their home language. Even though Xue
Lin's parents could speak a little English but not that match. In her opinion she believes it is
essential to use receptive skills and productive skills to learn and improve a language. While her
parents speak Chinese, they don't really teach her a lot about English. She practices and learns
her English with her foreign friends in school and some videos online. However, when people
are 5 years olds or something, it is a good time to absorb a language or a second language as
well. actually, when children are growing up, they absorb the language unconsciously because
their parents talk to them or when they are watching TV. etc. in addition, Xue Lin believes that
no matter the teacher from a native speaker or a nonnative speaker, they all could teach us to
write a good paper or essay and use correct grammar and sentence structure.
Learning a second language needs more attention and patience. Children could face some
problems while they learn ascend language but they have the opportunity to learn better then
adults according to one common myth, for example, is that when children learn another language
at a young age, they can confuse the languages they are using, not knowing which language to
use with whom. But according to the chapter studied in class, “Myths and Misconceptions about
Learning a Second Language”, however, some parents may not give importance to make their
children learn, so they can learn other languages. In addition, some parents also think that their
children can acquire language without pressure or without making them learn. For example, my
friends Xue Lin's parents are both not bilingual, which is the same as my parents. Xue Lin’s
parents do not teach her English they even didn’t try; they think she will acquire another

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language by herself. Although acquisition is “more important” than learning, it follows that there
must be some importance to “learning” a language.
Parents should be educated. They should learn even if it’s too late. They can at least learn
a little. To learn something it is never too late although some people can acquire a language.
Acquiring is different from learning because acquiring is when a person speaks the language
naturally. There are good and bad habits when a person learns/speaks a new language for the
very first time. Like anything new, there are quite a few rules that a language can contain.
According to Krashen’s SLA hypotheses “ According to Krashen there are two independent
systems of foreign language performance: 'the acquired system' and 'the learned system'. The
'acquired system' or 'acquisition' is the product of a subconscious process very similar to the
process children undergo when they acquire their first language. It requires meaningful
interaction in the target language - natural communication - in which speakers are concentrated
not in the form of their utterances, but in the communicative act”; while I came to the United
States I have been trying very hard to learn English and improve my level of English; in addition,
I used to watch movies in English. This way is very common, most people and children learn
English while they watch movies, TV etc. Even my friend Xue Lin’s as she said before she
practices and learns her English with her foreign friends in school and some videos online.
Online videos and movies without captions are Usually help a lot to learn a second language.
Bilingualism differs according to cultures. There are cultures in which being bilingual is
viewed conservatively as not being entirely cultural, because learning a new language is like
getting a new soul(chap13). In addition, in my culture people Obviously do not give that match
attention to learning a second language even most of my culture children do not know more than
one language. Being uneducated parents that will affect their children for example in my culture
I know so many people that uneducated children also do not learn more than one language.
As a new learner no matter who adult or children there will be a little struggling to learn
which is a normal thing because it will have new words, new accent, etc. Even though there are
many misconceptions about second-language acquisition. Some people make fun of your accent,
others are hospitable, but some people also know the benefits, it takes practice and motivation to

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Seana almadhrahi Prof:G Lin 100.6-0501 11/21/20 Second Language Acquisition Being bilingual is an interesting experience and requires individual skills and motivation.My friend's name is Xue Lin, grew up in Fujian province, which is south of China. She moved with her family to the United States about three years ago. obviously, her native language is Chinese and English is her second language. Xue Lin's parents are both not bilingual which is the same as my parents. We have the same situation: they only speak their home language. Even though Xue Lin's parents could speak a little English but not that match. In her opinion she believes it is essential to use receptive skills and productive skills to learn and improve a language. While her parents speak Chinese, they don't really teach her a lot about English. She practices and learns her English with her foreign friends in school and some ...
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