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Maty Gueye LIN 100.6 12/4/2020 Second Language Acquisition Paper Introduction Language is a method of expressing ideas and emotions in the form of signs and symbols. There are many languages that are spoken in the world. The first language learned by a child is his mother tongue, which is the language that he/she listens from birth and acquires naturally. Any other language learned by people besides their mother tongue is known as second language. Second Language Acquisition is a process by which we acquire a second language. The first way is language acquisition, it is a process of how children develop ability in their first language. It is a subconscious process, meaning that people who acquire languages, are not aware of the fact that they are acquiring the language, but they are only aware of the fact that they are using the language for communication. The second way is language learning, learning is used to refer to conscious knowledge of a second language, which consists of knowing the rules, being aware of them and being able to speak about them. This topic is about an interview that I have with one of my classmates about his background, his opinion about language acquisitio ...
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