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Shimon XXXXX
Prof. Gokcora
May 10, 2019
Differences in Language Use Among Males and Females in American Film
One question frequently asked in popular debates is whether women talk more than men.
Other questions include, “do men curse more than women?” and “do men interrupt conversations
more often than women?” Such questions are too simplistic and require rephrasing. A good
question does not have a simple answer, and should challenge the foundations of our belief
systems. Those are questions about the world, society, and human nature. In order to construct a
conducive question for this essay, we must rely on a self-evident assumption: that men and
women communicate differently. This is based on two pillars: one is that many people wonder
whether men and women communicate differently. This curiosity implies that it is likely that
those people can naturally sense that a difference does exist. The second pillar is the literature.
The term “Genderlect”, which the linguist Deborah Tannen coined, describes the inherent
difference in the way men and women communicate. Why is it that men and women
communicate differently? And what can we learn from it as a society?
Literature Review

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Deborah Tannen discusses this subject intensively, and has written several books about it,
such as “You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation” (Tannen, 2001). Other
sources include Brown and Levinson’s Politeness: Some universals in language usage
(Cambridge University Press, 1987) and Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. For more
information regarding the sources used to compose this essay, see “References” at the end of the
In this assignment, the different modes of language use among females and males are
discussed and compared, based on the popular American Television series “Friends”. In order to
explore the questions posed, and try to answer them, a full episode of the popular American
television series “Friends” is watched and linguistically analyzed.
Friends is an American sitcom, created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and which
was aired on NBC from September 22nd, 1994 through May 6th, 2004, lasting ten seasons. It
received much acclaim throughout its run, becoming one of the most popular television shows of
all times.
The reason why “Friends” is discussed is because it targets a balanced demographic of
both men and women, and features a gender-neutral cast (starring three men and three women).
As episodes depict the friends' vivid adventures and work-related challenges, the plot conveys a
lens true to our own lives, depicted through the comedic eyes of the creators. In order for

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Shimon XXXXX Prof. Gokcora LIN100 LS1W May 10, 2019 Differences in Language Use Among Males and Females in American Film Introduction One question frequently asked in popular debates is whether women talk more than men. Other questions include, “do men curse more than women?” and “do men interrupt conversations more often than women?” Such questions are too simplistic and require rephrasing. A good question does not have a simple answer, and should challenge the foundations of our belief systems. Those are questions about the world, society, and human nature. In order to construct a conducive question for this essay, we must rely on a self-evident assumption: that men and women communicate differently. This is based on two pillars: one is that many people wonder whether men and women communicate differently. This curiosity implies that it is likely that those people can naturally sense that a difference does exist. The second pillar is the literature. The term “Genderlect”, which the linguist Deborah Tannen coined, describes the inherent difference in the way men and women communicate. Why is it that men and women communicate differently? And what can we learn from it as a society? Literature Review Deborah Tannen discusses this subject intensively, and has written several books about it, such as “You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation” (Tannen, 2001). Other sources include Brown and Levinson’s Politeness: Some universals in language ...
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