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Civil engineering hydrualic design main canal design

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CE311 - DESIGN OF MAIN CANAL ASSIGNMENT 04 E/15/155 CE 311 JAYASUNDARA H.P.M.A.P. Data 𝑁1 =Rem (155)/3 =2 Scheme C Head regulator canal intake   Intake location – C1 Canal bed level - 752 Irrigation fields   Area - C Canal bed – 743 at C2 01. 𝑁2 = Rem (155/4) =3 Design discharge is 50 m^3/s 02. 𝑁3 = Rem (155/5) =0 Manning’s Roughness Coefficient is 0.021 03. 𝑁4 = Rem (155/3) =2 Maximum allowable Velocity is 1.6 m/s 05. Free board = 0.4m DESIGN OF CANAL CROSS SECTION The canal cross section shall be trapezoidal with its side slopes of 1V: 2H. Base width (B) to water depth (h) ratio shall be maintained between 3 and 4. Freeboard of the canal is 0.4m. Center line of the canal Freeboard = 0.4m h 1 2 B Figure 1: Cross section of the canal Q = AVmax 50 = A * 1.6 A 31.25 m2 Assume B/h = 3.5; 𝐴 = (2B+4h)*h/2 𝐴 = (7h + 4h)*h/2 31.25 ≤ (7h + 4h)*h/2 h 2.4 , B 8.3 Therefore let take h = 2.4 m and B = 8.3 m Area of canal A = (2B+4h)*h/2 = 31.44 m2 Wetted perimeter 𝑃 = 19.0m Elevation used to mark the Hydraulic radius, R = A/P R = 31.44/19.0 R = 1.65 Manning’s equation, 𝑉= 2 1 1 ∗ 𝑅3 ∗ 𝑆0 2 𝑛 1.6 = 1 2 1 ∗ 1.653 ∗ 𝑆0 2 0.021 𝑆0 = 5.790*10−4 = 0.000579 Maximum allowable bed slope = 5.790 ∗ 10−4 DESIGN OF CANAL TRACE Starting from the canal intake, centerline of the canal section was drawn on the contour map, according to the maximum allowable bed slope. Canal bed elevation s ...
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