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Advanced generator control assignment 1

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zewail city of science and technology REE560 Advanced Generator Model Assignment 1 abc/dq Frame Transformation 1) Derive the abc/dq transformation matrix given by: 2) Build and test a model in Simulink to perform the transformation for general 3-phase voltages and apply it for the following cases:     3-phase balanced voltages of magnitude 100 V and frequency 50 Hz 3-phase balanced voltages of magnitude 100 V and frequency 51 Hz 3-phase unbalanced voltages of the same magnitude of 100 V but with the phase shifts (0, -120°, 90°) 3-phase unbalanced voltages with magnitudes (100 V, 110 V, 120 V) but with the phase shifts (0, -120°, 120°) Assume that the dq frame is rotating with a frequency of 50 Hz and aligned with phase a voltage at t = 0. 3) Derive the ODEs for the following system in the dq frame starting from the ODEs in the abc frame. Q1 2 Q2 The dq0 graphs for different cases in order. Model 3 (a) Balanced case in steady state (b) Balanced system frequency mismatch case (c) unbalanced amplitude case 4 (d) unbalanced phase shift case 5 Q3 6 7 8 9 10 Name: Description: ...
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