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Solar thermal mini project

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zewail city of science and technology thermal solar energy applications course 1 Solar Thermal Assignment 2 clear clc a_s=6; syms f x a y = @(x,f) ((1./(4.*f).*(x.^2))); epsi =@(f,a) (atan2d(a/2,f-y(a/2,f))); fplot(epsi(f,a_s),f,[0 180]) ylabel('focal length [m]') xlabel('rim angle [deg]') 1. as the graph suggests, inceasing the rim angle decreases the focal length for a constant aperture width. a_arr = 1:10; for i = a_arr a_s = i; fplot((a_s./f),epsi(f,a_s),[0 10*a_s]) xlabel('a/f [-]') 1 ylabel('rim angle [deg]') hold on end legend([char([97 32 61 32].*ones(10,1)) hold off int2str(a_arr')]) 2.the graph presents the rim angle relation with a/f ratio for different a values a_arr = 1:10; for i = a_arr a_s = i; fplot(epsi(f,a_s),f,[0 180]) hold on end legend([char([97 32 61 32].*ones(10,1)) ylabel('focal length [m]') xlabel('rim angle [deg]') hold off int2str(a_arr')]) 2 from the previous graph, It's obvious that rim angle depends on the aperture width of more precisely on the a/ f ratio as manifested in the second graphs. Also simplifying the rim angle expression analystically reveals the same conclusion. 3 Name: Description: ...
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