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Week 2 discussion 7

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Week 2 Discussion Attachment
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Please respond to the following:
As a manager, what are some policies you could implement to keep your workers engaged at their jobs?
How would you ensure all employee personalities are accounted for in this plan?
Hello Professor Shumate and classmates,
True Colors Personality Quiz revealed that I am a Blue/Red personality. I can agree
with this completely. When I am evenly balanced in life, this is me in my prime. I tend to
try to have a hobby of some sort to keep me going while continuing to drive me to stick
to a schedule. When I am not balanced, it throws my boyfriend off course and me. He is
more of a white personality to me. With work, I feel as though all of us have a blue
personality. If we were around each other, I would identify more in-depth what color
would fit them all. Current circumstances have prevented me from interacting with my
team the way most enjoy when they first start a job. We are completely remote, so we
only can interact virtually, and computer issues can cause a huge disconnect amongst
Policies that I would instill in my workers to keep them engaged with their job would be
Huddle Rotation. I learned this style from a previous workshop on team building. One
member of a different department gets to rotate to each department huddle, weekly
meeting to find out what is new with other departments and how they can benefit from it
and build to make their department work more cohesively with the others. It is good to
rotate the team member that circles the huddles weekly to allow everyone to interpret
and brainstorm creative ideas to pitch to the team on improvements or innovations that
they come up with.

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Week 2 Discussion Attachment COLLAPSE Overall Rating: 12345 12345 Please respond to the following: As a manager, what are some policies you could implement to keep your workers engaged at their jobs? How would you ensure all employee personalities are accounted for in this plan? Hello Professor Sh ...
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