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20210126201803group dynamics

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Running head: GROUP DYNAMICS 1
Group Dynamics
Institutional Affiliation
Students name

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Group Dynamics
The group I am part of is my family, which consists of my father, mother, an older brother,
and a younger cousin. My father is the head of the group, the decision-maker, and the provider.
He is the one to ensure everything is going as expected in the family. My mother is the second in
our group hierarchy. She makes decisions when my father is not around and helps my father to
decide on difficult issues. She is also responsible for the well being of the whole group. My brother,
who is three years older than me, does not have many responsibilities. Most of the time, we share
roles, but he will choose what happens when tough decisions are required. My small cousin does
not have much to do. It is our responsibility to take care of her. The group has been sustained by
family rules, which we created together, and everyone in the group must abide by them.
Groupthink is when group members' thinking is entirely dependent on the desire for the
group members to maintain their relationship rather than being honest (Janis, 2008, p. 237). The
group members may be afraid of expressing irrelevant opinions or judging the views of a higher
member. Group polarization is when a situation occurs, making a group opt for extreme actions
and decisions. It can lead to groupthink.
It could affect my group when my elder brother, who is currently taking master's, starts to
behave aggressively. Instead of my parents investigating the cause of his behavior, they
immediately assume that he is on drugs and decides to take him for rehabilitation when things get
worse. I want to ask my father to look into the matter and critique it, but I am afraid he will
misjudge my defense and take me with my brother. So, I agree with his judgment about my brother
being on drugs, which would make the situation way worse than it is.

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Running head: GROUP DYNAMICS 1 Group Dynamics Institutional Affiliation Students name Date GROUP DYNAMICS 2 Group Dynamics The group I am part of is my family, which consists of my father, mother, an older brother, and a younger cousin. My father is the head of the group, the decision-maker, and the provider. He is the one to ensure everything is going as expected in the family. My mother is the second in our group hierarchy. She makes decisions when my father is not around and helps my father to decide on difficult issues. She is also responsible for the well being of the whole group. My brother, who is three years older than me, does not have many responsibilities. Most of the time, we share roles, but he will choose what happens when tough decisions are required. My small cousin does not have much to do. It is our responsibility to take care of her. The group has been sustained ...
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