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20210203232113wireless networks

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Wireless networks.
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Dealing with Challenges facing Mobile Networks.
Mobile networks in other countries might not be as good as the ones within the United
States. The first challenge mobile network companies face is poor network performance due to
inferior technology. The company should make sure that they possess the right equipment at
endpoints and midpoints along the way. Additionally, understanding that performance is not
about speed but reliability will also help the companies overcome the challenge. This will also
help the network handle spikes in load and provide alternative routes to enable communication
to continue even when a link fails (Advanced Network professionals, 2019).
Moreover, another challenge is security since the perimeter of today’s network is
unclear. Many threats make it into the grid especially when employees respond to phishing
emails. To handle such a problem may require the company to provide a comprehensive
solution. To tackle such a challenge, the company will need to increase its systems monitoring
and improve on management.
Nevertheless, the company may also consider vendor lock-in. Bringing in the best
solutions from today's vendors enhances figuring out how to interoperate, integrate and support
multiple resolutions.
Effects of the 5G network on business.
The 5G network is designed to deliver high-quality data rates and provide much more
network capacity by expanding into a new spectrum. Consequently, this means businesses will
have more benefits over other network types. With a low latency rate, the delay period between
sending and receiving information, businesses will respond to gigabytes of incoming data.

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1 Running Head: WIRELESS NETWORKS Wireless networks. Student’s name: Institutional Affiliation: Professor: Submission Date: Running Head: WIRELESS NETWORKS 2 Dealing with Challenges facing Mobile Networks. Mobile networks in other countries might not be as good as the ones within the United States. The first challenge mobile network companies face is poor network performance due to inferior technology. The company should make sure that they possess the right equipment at endpoints and midpoints along the way. Additionally, understanding that performance is not about speed but reliability will also help the companies overcome the challenge. This will also help the network handle spikes in load and provide alternative routes to enable communication to continue even when a link fails (Advanced Network professionals, 2019). Moreover, another challenge is security since the perimeter of today’s network is unclear. Many threats make it into the grid especially when employees respond to phishing emails. To handle such a problem may require the company to provide a comprehensive solution. To tackle such a challenge, the company will need to increase its systems monitoring and im ...
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