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Running header;Blockchain Technology in Arts 1
Advantages of Blockchain Technology in Artistic Feild
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Blockchain technology 2
Advantages of blockchain in the artistic industry
Blockchain is popularly known as the technology that enables bitcoin and other
cryptocurrencies. The artistic industry is controlled by many middlemen, who try to feed off and
live by their sweat. In the creative economy, blockchain technology provides a new way for
remuneration and ensures that creatives receive their work's actual value. Adoption of the
following changes may cause a new change in consumers consumption or creatives production.
Adopting blockchain technology in the artistic field embraces a new set of features being
introduced; a precise chronology of events allows anyone to audit and trace transactions.
Blockchain technology operates on a distributed system where creatives are given free will to
leave and access the same ledger. The combination of blockchain technology with art creates a
new ecosystem for video games, music, and other creative works(Takashi,2017). The main aim
of decentralization of this field is to make sure that people's potentials are achieved, and no one
is left out.
Blockchain technology contains features that revolutionize the field; the technology
produces smart contracts system in which creatives are viewed as equal partners in any ventures.
A new funding system where supporters can be investors in a film. A common problem in the
creative industry is piracy; blockchain technology creates a safe economic environment for
creatives to release their contents without the fear of being hacked and their products being sold
for less in the economy (D.Tapscott, A.Tapscott.,2017). The aim is to ensure that artists benefit
fully from their work and not at the expense of others.
The introduction of these changes impacts one's life, starting from the creative work
producers to costumers consumption patterns. Blockchain technology pioneers on diversification
and hence this means that the big companies and other intermediaries who benefit from the field

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Running header;Blockchain Technology in Arts Advantages of Blockchain Technology in Artistic Feild Title Student name Course name Course code Professor's name Date 1 Blockchain technology 2 Advantages of blockchain in the artistic industry Blockchain is popularly known as the technology that enables bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The artistic industry is controlled by many middlemen, who try to feed off and live by their sweat. In the creative economy, blockchain technology provides a new way for remuneration and ensures that creatives receive their work's actual value. Adoption of the following changes may cause a new change in consumers consumption or creatives production. Adopting blockchain technology in the artistic field embraces a new set of features being introduced; a precise chronology of events allows anyone to audit and trace transactions. Blockchain technology operates on a distributed system where creatives are given free will to leave and access the same ledger. The combination of blockchain technology with art creates a new ecosystem for video games, music, and other creative works(Takashi,2017). The main aim of decentralization of this field is to make s ...
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