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Strategies on building lifelong relationship at hec montreal customer relationship management

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Strategies on Building Lifelong
Relationship at HEC Montreal
Customer relationship management
To respond to profound changes taking place in labour market and within the higher education sector, HEC
Montreal implement a CRM system to build and maintain strong relationship with its prospective, current,
and past students.
HEC Montréal is the largest French-speaking business school in North America, located in heart of Montreal,
HEC Montréal contributes to social prosperity by providing leadership in all its sphere of activity, rooted in its
community and open to the world.
Funding charged by Quebec’s Ministry of Education, and fees charged were established by a mandated
mathematical formula, Montreal found it difficult to deal with higher operating cost.
Staff at office of Register
Data related to perspective students were collected by human agents (e.g., Staff at office of Register) was not
always accurate.
No record of current and past student’s request once it had been handled.
Recruiting services
At education fairs, information was also taken down on paper by Recruiting staff before being entered into
spreadsheet, causing further opportunities for error.
The selection and management of recruitment channels were often based on habit and intuition rather than
hard evidence.
With limited recruiting budget, it is hard to made decision on how to ensure the best students would apply.
Recruiting services gathered no data about why some people decided not to attend HEC Montreal.

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Students services
Students services relied on different tools and information gathered was isolated within the subunit, and
there is no complete profile of any students to follow up.
Alumni services
The challenge to keeping contact information current could not be sure their communication
was reaching their target audiences.
what are the strategies that HEC Montreal can adopt to build and maintain strong relationship with its
prospective, current, and past students.
In general, HEC Montreal should raise educational founds, increase students engagement and improve
students’ services in order to tackler the challenges it is facing and to capture the emerging education-
related opportunities.
Increase founding:
HEC Montreal Foundation
Organized events--- raise funds and engage donors and explain their conations contributions.
Contact information-----------stored in Raiser’s Edge.
Telemarketing operationsuse software to manage call operations.
More students engagement:
Provide special education programs:
1. The Executive MBA-personalized approach to communicate with students; evaluated by a small
committee; contact information and other student-related data maintained exclusively.
2. Other executive education-offer various programs for professionals
Design customized product to meet the needs of a specific organization.
3. Online learning
EDUlib -response to growing popularity of MOOC platforms.
Increase school’s outreach in parts of the word; a way to showcase the high educational
quality to prospective students.
Improve Students services:
build a complete profile from the time students first made inquiries to the time they graduate.
improve its website;
optimizing processes;
add Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Gather information help lock students; promote targeted programs- economical increse
Consolidate data about prospective, current and past students, enable services to gain a comprehensive

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Strategies on Building Lifelong Relationship at HEC Montreal Customer relationship management Intro To respond to profound changes taking place in labour market and within the higher education sector, HEC Montreal implement a CRM system to build and maintain strong relationship with its prospective, current, and past students. Background HEC Montréal is the largest French-speaking business school in North America, located in heart of Montreal, Quebec. HEC Montréal contributes to social prosperity by providing leadership in all its sphere of activity, rooted in its community and open to the world. Changes • Funding Funding charged by Quebec’s Ministry of Education, and fees charged were established by a mathematical formula, Montreal found it difficult to deal with higher operating cost. • mandated Staff at office of Register Data related to perspective students were colle ...
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