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20210211061638cloud computing technologies

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February 10, 2021

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Cloud Computing Technologies
Cloud computing refers to the process of storing data in a virtual space or cloud. This
enables the remotes provision of services. Computer networks allow the access of data over the
internet. It also allows people to exchange data and access data through the cloud hence enabling
cloud computing.
Data analysis algorithms on the other hand help in the analysis of data on the cloud. This
entails provision of inferences regarding the data available on the cloud. These inferences are
then shared through the cloud to help people gain more insights about the data that is shared on
the cloud.
Sensors in cloud computing help users to easily access, view, analyze and visualize data
on a cloud. Big data sensing has become a new trend and concept in technology. The sensors
form a wireless sensor network form a sensor cloud. This is within the architecture of the cloud.
Sensors help in ensuring that computing is highly scalable and of high performance (Marr,
2021). Sensors support a specific application and are limited in memory, processing power and
communication bandwidth.
Cluster computing refers to the network of many computers connected together to
perform as a single entity. In cluster computing, each computing within the network is referred to
as a node. Cluster computing enhances the ability to solve complicated problems faster by
enhancing the computational speed. This also results into increased data integrity in cloud
computing. Cluster computers are able to analyze large data sets in cloud computing and in big

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1 CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES Student’s Name Course Code Professor February 10, 2021 2 CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES Cloud Computing Technologies Cloud computing refers to the process of storing data in a virtual space or cloud. This enables the remotes provision of services. Computer networks allow the access of data over the internet. It also allows people to exchange data and access data through the cloud hence enabling cloud computing. Data analysis algorithms on the other hand help in the analysis of data on the cloud. This entails provision of inferences regarding the data available on the cloud. These inferences are then shared through the cloud to help people gain more insights about the data that is shared on the cloud. Sensors in cloud computing help users to easily access, view, analyze and visualize data on a cloud. Big data sensing has become a new trend and concept in technology. The sensors form a wireless sensor network form a sensor cloud. This is within the architecture of the cloud. Sensors help in ensuring that computing is highly scalable and of high performance (Marr, 2021). Sensors support a specific application and are limited in memory, processing power ...
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