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ANTH 1552 History of Anthropological Thought Comprehensive Exam Hint Sheet
EXAM TIME/DATE: Wednesday, April 24th, 2- 3:50pm
• 65 true/false and multiple choice questions
• 15 fill in the blank questions
• 4 essay questions,
Nearly all exam questions are taken DIRECTLY from the previous three exams
Ten new questions will come from the material we have covered since the 3rd exam.
- 1 what is the difference between ‘feminist anthropology’ and ‘anthropological
- Anthropological feminism: view that feminism should be autonomous in the
discipline (More conservative)
- Feminist anthropology: View that feminism should be integrated into the
discipline, especially with studying the woman’s sphere of society to be a more
powerful and inclusive form of ethnography and anthropological research (More
- 2 what is ‘body-reasoning’?
- Concept by Oyѐrónké Oyewùmí (Anthropologist)
- Describes Western science assumption that the human body is a universal
foundation for objective knowledge of identity
- They compared this to Yoruban society that challenged this assumption.
- Influenced by Michel Foucault
- 3 what is the ‘repressive hypothesis’?
- Concept by Michel Foucault
- Historical process where ideas of normal sexual expression have social power.
The heteronormative sexual behavior dominates other sexual expressions in
Western society, they are seen as deviant
- 4 what scholar can you connect to the development of ‘world-system theory’?
- Immanuel Wallerstein
- World system theory-The core Nation-states are engaged in systematic
exploitation of the peripheral nation-states for labor and natural resources
- 5 what were the ‘Stonewall Riots’ and what impact did they have on theory in
- Began June 1969 when the police raided the Stonewall Inn (a gay nightclub in
NYC Greenwich Village) which spurred a bunch of civil protests by LGBT
- Police were believed to be targeting the gay bars at this time when they were
arresting the bar staff for serving liquor without a proper license.
- 6 what is meant by the ‘Sins of the Fathers’?
- Robert Redfield: distinction between “great traditions”(literate, religious, and
urban) with “little traditions” (oral, magical and rural)
- Pristine, timeless, and self-contained organic community of anthropological
invention was really just a figment of ethnographic imagination
- Calls into question the cherished notion of the empirical researcher

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- 7 what did Michel Foucault mean by ‘discourses of power’?
- Way that systems (institutions, rhetorics, etc) of one group come to dominate
another group
- Form of economy for Foucault that shapes everyone’s relations in society
- In a way, similar to the idea of hegemony but different
- 8 what is ‘practice (or praxis) theory’ and which specific scholar can you connect to its
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Praxis-Idea that society is constructed by individuals who bring society to life
through talk and actions (driving social change through political means would be
one example)
- 9 what are ‘habitus’ and ‘doxa’?
- Doxa - Natural ‘orders’ -- sets of taxonomies (classifications), for all individuals in
a society
- Habitus - wellspring of individual agency -- ways in which personal history and
social positioning allow individuals to improvise or innovate
- Both are concepts by Pierre Bourdieu
- 10 what is ‘cultural resource management (CRM)’?
- The classification and protection of cultural resources for their significance in
Essay Questions we will write all 4
Essay Question #1 (10pts): Of the assigned readings from Part I of your Reader, which
chapter did you find to be the most interesting and why? Does it have any relevance to
Anthropology today? In what way?
Essay Question #2 (10pts): Of the assigned readings from Part II of your Reader, which chapter
did you find to be the most interesting and why? Does it have any relevance to Anthropology
today? In what way?
Essay Question #3 (10pts): Of the assigned readings from Part III of your Reader, which
chapter did you find to be the most interesting and why? Does it have any relevance to
Anthropology today? In what way?
Essay Question #4 (10pts): What do you think that the future holds for the discipline of
Anthropology? What role with academic Anthropology play in this and do you think that
Anthropology will become more applied? Please refer to at least two of the assigned readings in
Part IV of your Reader in responding to this question.
- Boscovich and erikson -- globalization
Extra credit 10pts for Musante Lecture

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ANTH 1552 History of Anthropological Thought Comprehensive Exam Hint Sheet EXAM TIME/DATE: Wednesday, April 24th, 2- 3:50pm • 65 true/false and multiple choice questions • 15 fill in the blank questions • 4 essay questions, Nearly all exam questions are taken DIRECTLY from the previous three exams Ten new questions will come from the material we have covered since the 3rd exam. - - - - - - 1 – what is the difference between ‘feminist anthropology’ and ‘anthropological feminism? - Anthropological feminism: view that feminism should be autonomous in the discipline (More conservative) - Feminist anthropology: View that feminism should be integrated into the discipline, especially with studying the woman’s sphere of society to be a more powerful and inclusive form of ethnography and anthropological research (More liberal) 2 – what is ‘body-reasoning’? - Concept by ...
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