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Case analysis Template pg35
Who is the character of the story? Patient Information
What is / are the problem(s)? Signs and symptoms/Presenting problem or
complaint/Diagnosis based from the examination / based from radiology, laboratory test,
Rectosigmoid polyp
What is the solution? Diagnostic assessment/ Surgery/ Medication
Colonoscopy and polypectomy
How the solution was done? Optional / applicable for surgery
The CF100-L flexible colonoscope was passed without difficulty from the anus up through
the anastomosis, which appears to be in the distal transverse colon. The instrument was
advanced into the distal small bowel and then slowly withdrawn with good view obtained
throughout. A small, 3-mm polyp near the rectosigmoid junction was removed with hot
biopsy forceps and retrieved. Otherwise, the patient has a satisfactory postoperative
appearance of the colon. It is shortened due to previous resections, but there is no other
evidence of neoplasm. The instrument was completely withdrawn without other findings.

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Name Case analysis Template pg35 Who is the character of the story? Patient Information What is / are the problem(s)? Signs and symptoms/Presenting problem or complaint/Diagnosis based from the examination / based from radiology, laboratory test, pathology Rectosigmoid polyp What is the solution? Diagnostic assessment/ Surgery/ Medication Colonoscopy and polypectomy How the solution was done? Optional / applicable for surgery The CF100-L flexible colonoscope was passed without difficulty from the anus up through the anastomosis, which appears to be in the distal transverse colon. The in ...
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