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Florida National University
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Patient-Centered Care
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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One recent change on some nursing units has been the establishment of walking rounds to
patient rooms during change of shift report. Using this model, the nurses, patient, and
family members (if the patient wishes) are all involved in the exchange of information
during the transition of care to the nurse coming on shift. Can you think of any other
changes that you have observed in the healthcare setting that help to facilitate a PCC
Patient-centered care is responsive care based on the individual's preferences, values, and
needs, ensuring that they are involved in clinical decision-making. The patient is in control and
active in providing empathetic and coordinated care respecting the patient's values and
preferences (Masters, 2020). Patient-centered care requires collaboration between the healthcare
professionals and the patient where the patient's needs relate to the healthcare decisions and
measurement of the patient outcomes. The healthcare professionals work towards developing
individualized and comprehensive health care plans giving attention to the patient's needs. There
are various ways of establishing patient-centered care in the healthcare setting.
The healthcare setting changes that facilitate a patient-centered care environment include
communication and care boards in the patient rooms and coordination of care based on
multidisciplinary teams. Multidisciplinary teams have all care team members, including the floor
nurses, a social worker, and doctors on duty, and the patients and family. The interdisciplinary
teams are essential as the patients and family are involved in decision-making, and the
responsibility is shared between the healthcare professionals and the patient (Bosch & Mansell,
2015). The patients and healthcare professionals work together to manage complex situations
and make decisions based on evidence and the patient's characteristics, values, and preferences.
Besides, the multidisciplinary teams help solve problems and develop interventions appropriate

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Running head: PATIENT-CENTERED CARE Patient-Centered Care Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 PATIENT-CENTERED CARE 2 One recent change on some nursing units has been the establishment of walking rounds to patient rooms during change of shift report. Using this model, the nurses, patient, and family members (if the patient wishes) are all involved in the exchange of information during the transition of care to the nurse coming on shift. Can you think of any other changes that you have observed in the healthcare setting that help to facilitate a PCC environment? Patient-centered care is responsive care based on the individual's preferences, values, and needs, ensuring that they are involved in clinical decision-making. The patient is in control and active in providing empathetic and coordinated care respecting the patient's values and preferences (Masters, 2020). Patient-centered care requires collaboration between the healthcare professionals and the patient where the patient's needs relate to the healthcare decisions and measurement of the patient outcomes. The healthcare professionals work towards developing individualized and comprehensive health care plans g ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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