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Lean software development

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What is Lean Software Development?
Lean Software Development is an Agile practice that is based on the principles of Lean
Principles of Lean Manufacturing:
Value: Basically means what the customer assigns to product and
services it determines what the customer will pay it also allows
organisations to create a top down target price.
Value Stream: The value stream is the totality of the product’s entire
lifecycle from the raw materials through to the customer’s use of, and
eventual disposal of, the product.
Flow: Flow is about creating a value chain with no interruption
in the production process and a state where each activity is
fully in step with every other.
Pull: Pull is the practise of making sure that nothing is made ahead of
time which encourages that encourages that nothing is made until the
customer orders it.
Perfection It is a step by step process of improving quality of certain
aspect in a particular field of interest.
Lean Software Development is based on 7 principles and 22 tools:

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7 principles of Lean Software Development:
Eliminate Waste
Amplify Learning
Decide as Late as possible
Deliver as fast as possible
Empower the team
Build integrity In
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22 Tools that Lean Software Development use:
Tool #1: Seeing Waste
Agile practices seek to eliminate waste, but the first step is to learn how
to see waste.
Good examples of waste are parts of the software process that are not
analysis and coding.
Tool #2: Value Stream Mapping
Mapping your value stream is a good way to start discovering waste in
your process.
This involves drawing a chart of the average customer request, from
arrival to completion.
Tool #3: Feedback
Feedback adds complexity to a system, but it also adds considerable value for example, a
traffic light that senses cars is more useful than a traffic light on a strict timer.
Tool #4: Iterations
Iterations provide a dramatic increase in feedback
1. The operational environment is considered early
2. Design problems are exposed early
3. Change tolerance is built into the system
Short iterations allow the system to respond to facts rather than

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LEAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT What is Lean Software Development? Lean Software Development is an Agile practice that is based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing. Principles of Lean Manufacturing: • Value: Basically means what the customer assigns to product and services it determines what the customer will pay it also allows organisations to create a top down target price. • Value Stream: The value stream is the totality of the product’s entire lifecycle from the raw materials through to the customer’s use of, and eventual disposal of, the product. • Flow: Flow is about creating a value chain with no interruption in the production process and a state where each activity is fully in step with every other. • Pull: Pull is the practise of making sure that nothing is made ahead of time which encourages that encourages that nothing is made until the customer orders it. • Perfection It is a step by step process of improving quality of certain aspect in a particular field of interest. Lean Software Development is based on 7 principles and 22 tools: 7 principles of Lean Software Development: • • • • • • • Eliminate Waste Amplify Learning Decide as Late as possible Deliver as fast as possible Empower the team Build integrity In See the Whole 22 Tools that Lean Software Development use: Tool #1: Seeing Waste • Agile practices seek to eliminate waste, but the first step is to learn how to see waste. • Good examples of waste are parts of the softw ...
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