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1 sch 201 introduction and first law of thermodynamics sem i 2019 2020

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04/09/2019 KENYATTA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SCH 201 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS LEVEL : II SEMESTER: I ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019/2020 Series -1 (Introduction and First Law of Thermodynamics) Prof Onindo Charles, Mr. Gitari Mugambi, Dr. Eric Masika Lecture Days: Wednesday's 5:00 – 7:00 1 Course Purpose Purpose of the course To provide a basic introduction to chemical thermodynamics BEd (Sc), BSc, BSc. (Micro) BSc. Analytical with Management and for BSc. Industrial with Management students with main focus on interrelationships of heat and work with in both physical and chemical reactions. Thus, several basic principles of chemical thermodynamics will be considered with enhancement of computational skills. 2 1 04/09/2019 Course Objective & Content Course Content: Chemical thermodynamic systems, states, state function and equilibrium state. First law of thermodynamics, constant volume, constant pressure and the reversible process. Isothermal and adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas. Thermochemistry: Heat changes involved in chemical reactions and Hess’s law. Heat capacities and enthalpy dependence on temperature. Second law of thermodynamics: entropy and disorder. Temperature dependence on entropy and the third law of thermodynamics. Free energy (G), pressure dependence of G on ideal gases, relationship between G and the equilibrium constant. 3 S/No. 1 Week(s) Topic(s) 1 -4 Introduction Background   Subtopic(s) The cours ...
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