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KENYATTA UNIVERSITY DIGITAL SCHOOL OF VIRTUAL AND OPEN LEARNING IN COLLABORATION WITH SCHOOL OF PURE & APPLIED SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SCH 200 – ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND CHEMICAL BONDING WRITTEN BY: DR. EVANS CHANGAMU DR. KIBE MACHARIA DR. HARUN MBUVI EDITED BY: DR. LUCY KIRURI Copyright © Kenyatta University, 2015 All Rights Reserved Published By: KENYATTA UNIVERSITY PRESS ii SCH 200 ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND CHEMICAL BONDING Pre-requisite-SCH 100 INTRODUCTION Welcome to SCH 200: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding. This course explores the basic theories of atomic structure and bonding. It provides a detailed but simplified theoretical background toward the understanding of various theories used to explain the atomic structure and bonding. It is assumed that you have taken SCH 100: Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry. Each lecture opens with a brief introduction followed by detailed discussions and examples. There are also some interspersed questions with suggested answers. COURSE DETAILS Purpose This course is intended to equip the students with the basic quantum concepts of the structure of the atom and the theories of chemical bonding between atoms. Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit you should be able to: i). Describe the experimental foundation of quantum theory ii). Explain dual nature of light and matter iii). Appreciate the Schrödinger equation and significance of its solutions • Solve Schrödinger equation for a particle in-a-box • App ...
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