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Sch 100 fundamentals of innorganic chemistry

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Courtesy of onyango kenedy #kenedy0740947675 KENYATTA UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY. SCH 100; FUNDAMENTALS OF INNORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CALL 0745527698 FOR MORE RESOURCES. KENEDY CARES. I Wish You All the Best 1 Courtesy of onyango kenedy SCH 100 #kenedy0740947675 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry Course Outline The early theories of atomic structure. The fundamental particles of the atom. Planck’s quantization of energy and the photoelectric effect. Rutherford’s planetary model and Bohr theory of atom. Failure of the Bohr theory. Qualitative treatment of the atomic orbitals (s, p, d and f).The aufbau principle and the periodic table. Common oxidation state of the element. Natural occurring and artificially made isotopes and their applications. Hybridization of atomic orbitals and shapes of simple molecules and ions. Electronegativity, electron affinity and ionization energy. Nature of ionic and covalent compounds as influenced by the above factors. The mole concept and its applications. General concepts of acid and bases. Strong and weak acids and bases. pH calculations. Balancing of redox reactions. Practicals. Identification of ions and cations in solution and titrations. I Wish You All the Best 2 Courtesy of onyango kenedy #kenedy0740947675 Table of Content Course Outline ........................................................................................................................... 2 Table of ...
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