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Victims and Crime Evaluation

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Victims and Crime Evaluation
Responsibilities within criminal justice system function together through a mutual
objective in mind. Victimization is considered in every role. The core objective of both the
judicial system and every enforcement office is making sure justice is served and victimization is
reduced. Every participant in the process has to understand the objectives of
sentencing, the alternative penalties acceptable, and also the assessment of the victim’s rights.
Roles and Functions
Prosecutors - The duties of the prosecution is to establish the complaint against the
accused. She or he works in conjunction with the officer in charge of the investigation to gather
key evidence, compile witness statements, and present the evidence before the jury and judge.
The prosecution bears the obligation to prove its assertion that the accused is guilty.
Defense Attorney - The defense lawyer is the defendant's attorney throughout the
criminal justice process's from pre trial to sentencing. A defense attorney is responsible
for developing his or her arguments in an attempt to prove the defendant's innocence; or to
discover evidence that can exonerate the client.
Criminal - The defendant operates with his defense lawyer to defend the case against him
or her from prosecution. The accused depends on his defense counsel to address the details of the
case, and also to prove the defendant's innocence. Based on the facts, the defendant must also
seek a plea agreement that would favor his best interest.
Victim - In regards to trial involvement, the complainants have minimal tasks throughout
the criminal justice exercise. The complainant works directly with investigating officer and
prosecution to provide information concerning their involvement in the incident, and how they

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Running head: VICTIMS AND CRIME EVALUATION Victims and Crime Evaluation Institution Name 1 VICTIMS AND CRIME EVALUATION 2 Victims and Crime Evaluation Responsibilities within criminal justice system function together through a mutual objective in mind. Victimization is considered in every role. The core objective of both the judicial system and every enforcement office is making sure justice is served and victimization is reduced. Every participant in the process has to understand the objectives of sentencing, the alternative penalties acceptable, and also the assessment of the victim’s rights. Roles and Functions Prosecutors - The duties of the prosecution is to establish the complaint against the accused. She or he works in conjunction with the officer in charge of the investigation to gather key evidence, compile witness statements, and present the evidence before the jury and judge. The prosecution bears the obligation to prove its assertion that the accused is guilty. Defense Attorney - The defense lawyer is the defendant's attorney throughout the criminal justice process's from pre trial to sentencing. A defense attorney is responsible for developing his or her arguments in an attempt to prove the defendant's innocence; or to discover evidence that can exonerate the client. Criminal - The defendant operates with his defense lawyer to defend the case against him or her from prosecution. The accused depends on his defense counsel to address the details of the ca ...
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