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Neuroscience in Leadership

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Neuroscience in Leadership
There is a strong correlation between neuroscience, positive psychology, and organizational
development. Essentially, the correlation between the three is that leaders can use knowledge
about neuroscience to inflict positive psychology on their employees and future
organizational development. Lewin expressed that, "Before change can occur, motivation for
change must be made. Someone must be set out to rethink many regarded doubts about
themselves and their relations to others."
The application of neuroscience in the workplace is regarded as Neuroleadership. The
concept of Neuroleadership revolves around four key competencies: management training,
change management education and consulting, leadership development and coaching. A
common phrase in any organization is “change is pain.” Neuroscience uncovered the reason
this expression is so significant; that reason is because the human brain naturally recognizes
change as a threat because it is something different that it is not used to and must adapt to
accept (Rock & Schwartz, 2006).
If leaders can focus on the positives of a change in an organizational environment or
at least, emphasize their understanding for employees concerns with the negative, they
greatly increase their ability to affect change and a great organizational culture (Fridman,
2017). Too often employees want to concern themselves with how much work is going to
come with change or what the negative impacts will be; leaders should recognize this
inevitable pattern and apply positive psychology towards the employees concerns.
A leader can’t realistically expect to sell other employees that there are no negative
side effects to any particular change. That is why that before and during the implementation
of a change, those in leadership need to open up to their team member’s questions and

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Running head: NEUROSCIENCE IN LEADERSHIP Neuroscience in Leadership Institution Name 1 NEUROSCIENCE IN LEADERSHIP 2 Neuroscience in Leadership There is a strong correlation between neuroscience, positive psychology, and organizational development. Essentially, the correlation between the three is that leaders can use knowledge about neuroscience to inflict positive psychology on their employees and future organizational development. Lewin expressed that, "Before change can occur, motivation for change must be made. Someone must be set out to rethink many regarded doubts about themselves and their relations to others." The application of neuroscience in the workplace is regarded as Neuroleadership. The concept of Neuroleadership revolves around four key competencies: management training, change management education and consulting, leadership development and coaching. A common phrase in any organization is “change is pain.” Neuroscience uncovered the reason this expression is so significant; that reason is because the human brain naturally recognizes change as a threat because it is something different that it is not used to and must adapt to accept (Rock & Schwartz, 2006 ...
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