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This refers to human development from when they are born to when they die. From
birth to death, we regularly and gradually undergo some changes and developments (Lally &
Valentine-French, 2017). Some changes occur due to personal choices or incidences that we
experience through opportunities. But the most changes we face are because of our
psychological and biological heritage of humans, which are shared by the human race.
Learning is the ability of the nervous system to change due to environmental stimuli,
therefore being able to adapt responses of our behavior and enabling us to survive in our
environment (Cherry, 2019). Initially, this process occurs in our nervous system responding
to the stimuli in the environment hence activating, strengthening, rerouting, or pruning the
neural pathways which cause changes in our responses.
It refers to the process used in acquiring, retaining, storing as well as later retrieval of
data. The human memory revolves around recovering and preservation of information
experienced or learned in the process (The Human Memory, 2019). The sensory memory
process stimuli first, then data is held in the brain very fast, which is later transferred to the
short term memory enabling us to keep relevant information our minds. Lastly, we store those
patterns and past events in our long term memory, which is usually referred to as semantic

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Running head: PSYCHOLOGY 1 Psychology Institution Name PSYCHOLOGY 2 This refers to human development from when they are born to when they die. From birth to death, we regularly and gradually undergo some changes and developments (Lally & Valentine-French, 2017). Some changes occur due to personal choices or incidences that we experience through opportunities. But the most changes we face are because of our psychological and biological heritage of humans, which are shared by the human race. Learning Learning is the ability of the nervous system to change due to environmental stimuli, therefore being able to adapt responses of our behavior and enabling us to survive in our environment (Cherry, 2019). Initially, this process occurs in our nervous system responding to the stimuli in the environment hence activating, strengthening, rerouting, or pruning the neural pathways which cause changes in our responses. Memory It refers to the process used in acquiring, retaining, storing as well as later retrieval of data. The human memory revolves around recovering and preservation of information experienced or learned in the process (The Human Memory, 2019). The sensory memory process stimuli first, then data is held in the brain very fast, which is later transferred to the short term memory enabling us to keep relevant information our minds. Lastly, we store those patterns and past events in our long term memory, which is usually referred to as semantic memory. PSYCHOLOGY 3 M ...
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Very useful material for studying!
