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Gender and Sexual Orientation in Counseling

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Gender and Sexual Orientation in Counseling
From the materials, I will take away three themes that I would choose away to help address
gender and sexual orientation in my counseling sessions. These themes will include the
reasons why LGBTQI seek counseling services, mental health consequences, and the many
counseling strategies to address heterosexism.
There are some of the essential ethical concepts that can be practiced when dealing with
homosexuality and sexual identity clients; these include but not limited to integrity,
competence, client's wellbeing, and ability to respect the autonomy of clients (Yarhouse et
al., 2014). Initially, there was a misconception on what these minority groups consult for
professional counseling services. In reference to Hays and Erford (2018), the people
identified as LGBTQI usually seek more professional counseling services more than the
general population. Moreover, these people are also presumed to frequently visit because of
their unnecessary desires of behavior and orientation originating from how they distinguish
themselves sexually. Alternatively, they do these visitations in order to get clarification on
their unresolved problems related to interpersonal conflicts, sexual dysfunctions, mood
disorders, and fears related to anxiety disorders (Yarhouse et al., 2014). Once I read the
chapter by Hays and Erford (2018), I really asked myself a lot of questions because I never
thought at once that someone might be regarded as a minority because of their sexual
orientation. Additionally, it even sounded more ridiculous to find out that racial minorities,
who happen to fall in the category of sexual minorities, also can be considered to have double
minority status. This can even significantly expose them to more risk for psychological
problems; however, this theory has been put to rest by a recent study (Yarhouse et al., 2014).
Dr. Garzon, in his presentation, is concerned about giving counseling to individuals with
differing values, cultures, or world view and how ethical practices can play their part. He

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Running head: GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN COUNSELING Gender and Sexual Orientation in Counseling Institution Name 1 GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN COUNSELING 2 Gender and Sexual Orientation in Counseling From the materials, I will take away three themes that I would choose away to help address gender and sexual orientation in my counseling sessions. These themes will include the reasons why LGBTQI seek counseling services, mental health consequences, and the many counseling strategies to address heterosexism. There are some of the essential ethical concepts that can be practiced when dealing with homosexuality and sexual identity clients; these include but not limited to integrity, competence, client's wellbeing, and ability to respect the autonomy of clients (Yarhouse et al., 2014). Initially, there was a misconception on what these minority groups consult for professional counseling services. In reference to Hays and Erford (2018), the people identified as LGBTQI usually seek more professional counseling services more than the general population. Moreover, these people are also presumed to frequently visit because of their unnecessary desires of behavior and orientat ...
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