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Worldview Final Paper

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Personal Worldview
Individuals have their perspectives about the world; God, knowledge, heaven, as well
as trust. Such world like our own, we not only have a couple, nevertheless, many religions
and worldviews individuals can single out from. We have opinions and where it we generate
them from and what we accept to be true throughout everyday life. Our thoughts do not
deflect, and we tend to believe everything that we recognize as the fact; we comprehend what
we need to think, and for each conviction, there is a religion/worldview. As I grew up, I never
took a more top to bottom understanding about my worldview. I was short of information on
matters pertaining religion and God, which prevented me on shaping the connection I
currently boast with Him. I came to learn everything I used to question about creation and
him, which has now been the stage for all my ideas, activities, and perspectives. Along these
lines I will examine my perspective by addressing what I accept is true, why I trust it to be
true, and how it applies in my day by day life.
What I Consider the Truth
I trust that the creator of different things is God, Father of every mankind and the one
who saves all that is living in this world. He created us, as well as every living creature on
earth, inclusive of earth itself. All that we experience before us, the sky and on this world is
all conceivable because of the will of God. God is upright, and He needs the entirety of his
creation to do well in life and without harming or fouling on others. God is sensible in such a
way that when people foul and sin against his word, God is there to excuse of forgive. He
pardons all wrongdoings that an individual commit, however the person must understand that
they have trespassed. God is dependable in light of the fact that in any event, when you don't
have a clue what will occur next or how you will traverse something, God is always there.
God will consistently be behind you, and when you don't have the slightest idea what move is

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Running head: WORLDVIEW FINAL PAPER Worldview Final Paper Institution Name 1 WORLDVIEW FINAL PAPER 2 Personal Worldview Individuals have their perspectives about the world; God, knowledge, heaven, as well as trust. Such world like our own, we not only have a couple, nevertheless, many religions and worldviews individuals can single out from. We have opinions and where it we generate them from and what we accept to be true throughout everyday life. Our thoughts do not deflect, and we tend to believe everything that we recognize as the fact; we comprehend what we need to think, and for each conviction, there is a religion/worldview. As I grew up, I never took a more top to bottom understanding about my worldview. I was short of information on matters pertaining religion and God, which prevented me on shaping the connection I currently boast with Him. I came to learn everything I used to question about creation and him, which has now been the stage for all my ideas, activities, and perspectives. Along these lines I will examine my perspective by addressing what I accept is true, why I trust it to be true, and how it applies in my day by day life. What I Consider the Truth I trust that the creator of different things is God, Father of every mankind and the one who saves all that is living in this world. He created us, as well as every living creature on earth, inclusive of earth itself. All that we experience before us, the sky and on this world is all conceivable because o ...
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