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592738 observational analysis

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Observation Analysis

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Observation Analysis
This observation was done on my friends Grandmother at her home with family
members and my family. She is 65 years old retired Military personnel and a widow. She
wakes up at around 5am in the morning, does cleaning to various places in the house
including few utensils that might have been used during the night.
Around 6:00am she is done with the cleaning and she heads back to her room to take
a shower.
Around 6:30am she wakes up everyone in the house for a morning prayer which is
followed by a word from the bible. This is a must.
7:00am she delegates work to do for the day and the younger daughter is told to make
the breakfast for the day.
Around 7:30am the breakfast is ready and everyone gathers at her huge dining table.
Food is never served anywhere else in her house. Not even kids can move around with
snacks, she’s tough but loves her grandchildren.
Around 8:00 everyone is done and she heads to the table room to watch some
morning briefs and at this moment, you cannot disturb her, she takes her countries matters
seriously. Kids also must wait before they tune to their cartoon channels.
Around 9:00 she heads to the yard and you can see she is just keeping herself busy
nothing much to worry about. She is even wearing a very warm coat.
At around 11:30 am she is in her mini office where she is making calls and receiving
others, probably from her old friends whom they served with.

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Running head: OBSERVATION ANALYSIS Observation Analysis Institution Name 1 OBSERVATION ANALYSIS 2 Observation Analysis Log This observation was done on my friends Grandmother at her home with family members and my family. She is 65 years old retired Military personnel and a widow. She wakes up at around 5am in the morning, does cleaning to various places in the house including few utensils that might have been used during the night. Around 6:00am she is done with the cleaning and she heads back to her room to take a shower. Around 6:30am she wakes up everyone in the house for a morning prayer which is followed by a word from the bible. This is a must. 7:00am she delegates work to do for the day and the younger daughter is told to make the breakfast for the day. Around 7:30am the breakfast is ready and everyone gathers at her huge dining table. Food is never served anywhere else in her house. Not even kids can move around with snacks, she’s tough but loves her grandchildren. Around 8:00 everyone is done and she heads to the table room to watch some morning briefs and at this moment, you cannot disturb her, she takes her countries matters seriously. Kids also must wait before they tune to their cartoon channels. Around 9:00 she heads to the yard and you can see she is just keeping herself busy nothing much to worry about. She is even wearing a very warm coat. At around 11:30 am she is in her mini office where she is making calls and receiving others, probably from her o ...
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