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16 March 2020
Where to invade next
The two most segments that made an impact on me from the film is the life people
live in Italy and Germany. Italy, for example, the way employers treat their employees is just
but the best thing everyone could wish for. Their holidays make someone want to ask when
they work. They are happy they get more time to spend with their families. Every worker is
entitled to 30 to 35 paid holiday days and twelve more for the national holidays (Moore). I
would want to work in such a country where I am entitled to a 13
imaginary month salary in
the month of December. A place where, when leave days are not fully utilized in a year, they
are carried forward. On the other hand, Germany made me even more surprised; you only
work for thirty six hours per week and paid for forty hours (Moore). When one gets job-
related stress, they can go to the doctor, and they are given three weeks prescription to stay at
a spar. Who really would not like such a life? This is a people-centric kind of culture.
When I first visited Thailand, I experienced a culture shock of my life. It is
surrounded with very many extraordinary events and things that may attract someone or leave
them amazed. For example, the fact that monks move around the streets, seen on TV and
pictures all over the country makes someone wonder why. A multitude of people rushing to
give out their money in the temples just because of their beliefs was quite surprising. Arriving
from a liberal country was shocking to me how they can do so without even questioning.
Another shock encounter is the frequent use of the word farang; any one from the western
countries is usually referred by this word. It is a descriptive or more of the derogatory name
used against anyone with a white face.

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In the Philippines, families believe in togetherness, and by so they revolve and live in
extended families. Anyone from another world may think that it is strange and weird because
they are used to small family units. In the Philippines, even when you get old enough to get
married, they keep you around their family because they believe by so doing, they encourage
togetherness and the ability to help each other. They spend their entire lives as a family to
When I went to China, I found out that they used chopsticks to eat in different meals.
They usually find it uncalled for when the other countries and cultures like the Americans use
spoons and folks while eating. Since the use of chopsticks eats every meal in china, they
usually regard other methods as foolish because they do not use similar utensils. Actually,
they do not accept the fact that we use these different type of appliances. Most importantly is
such difference can not cause any war or genocide but can lead to quite a big gap among the
cultures that can lead to some feeling that their methods of eating as the best to use while
eating their foods.
Cultural Shock is simply the sentiment of anxiety, perplexity or uncertainty which
individuals know-how once they visit, do business or find themselves living in different
societies from their own (Segel). This was relevant in different ways when in the film. For
example, while n Germany Moore was very much shocked to be told that the Germans work
for only 36hours per week and get paid for 40 hours. He couldn't believe how that would
happen or how the German companies must include workers in half of their Board of
directors. He could not see any relevance in any of it because he is used to Board of directors
that are top bosses that cannot even associate with the executives. He was also shocked by the
fact that it is illegal to contact an employee when he/she is on leave or holiday.

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject 16 March 2020 Where to invade next The two most segments that made an impact on me from the film is the life people live in Italy and Germany. Italy, for example, the way employers treat their employees is just but the best thing everyone could wish for. Their holidays make someone want to ask when they work. They are happy they get more time to spend with their families. Every worker is entitled to 30 to 35 paid holiday days and twelve more for the national holidays (Moore). I would want to work in such a country where I am entitled to a 13th imaginary month salary in the month of December. A place where, when leave days are not fully utilized in a year, they are carried forward. On the other hand, Germany made me even more surprised; you only work for thirty six hours per week and paid for forty hours (Moore). When one gets jobrelated stress, they can go to the doctor, and they are given three weeks prescription to stay at a spar. Who really would not like such a life? This is a people-centric kind of culture. When I first visited Thailand, I experienced a culture shock of my life. It is surrounded with very many extraordinary events and things that may attract someone or leave them amazed. For example, the fact that monks move around the streets, seen on TV and pictures all over the country makes someone wonder why. A multitude of people rushing to give out their money in the temples just because of their beliefs was quite surpri ...
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