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598444 why we study art history

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Why we Study Art History

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Why we Study Art History
Art history is investigation of items of arts measured inside their timeframe. Art
history specialists investigate visual art's significance (architecture, sculpture, painting,) from
the time they were made (Master-iesa, 2017). Likewise, one more of arts history's crucial to
investigate authorial sources of fine arts, for example finding who made a specific fine art,
when, when and the reason for making it.
While pursuing Art history, I would like to gain skills in understanding different
cultures. This is because visual arts looks at the past stories and events. Art history will help
me understand over the centuries civilization was able to evolve (Master-iesa, 2017). It will
enable me understand the reason we have specific values. Another important skill I will
develop is the critical thinking. By analysing sculptures paintings and photographs one must
build some convincing arguments and rational therefore critical thinking development.
Photography as an art is what I love looking at in my everyday life. This is because
photos it enables us to store memories of significant moments of this life and the history.
Photos become history and thus helping us understand ourselves and to have a worlds
glimpse and events that we never remembered or knew. I also love photography because it
acts as a medium of information whereby everyday news is relayed by the use of photographs
and words.
My favourite all time artist is David Lachapelle who is an American fine art
photographer and commercial photographer. His work is referenced by religious scenes, art
history and the ones that express social messages. I love his work because he centers on the
things that we undergo through in this life. There is something about his photos that leads to
anyone wanting to see more.

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Running head: WHY WE STUDY ART HISTORY Why we Study Art History Institution Name 1 WHY WE STUDY ART HISTORY 2 Why we Study Art History Art history is investigation of items of arts measured inside their timeframe. Art history specialists investigate visual art's significance (architecture, sculpture, painting,) from the time they were made (Master-iesa, 2017). Likewise, one more of arts history's crucial to investigate authorial sources of fine arts, for example finding who made a specific fine art, when, when and the reason for making it. While pursuing Art history, I would like to gain skills in understanding different cultures. This is because visual arts looks at the past stories and events. Art history will help me understand over the centuries civilization was able to evolve (Master-iesa, 2017). It will enable me understand the reason we have specific values. Another important skill I will develop is the critical thinking. By analysing sculptures paintings and photographs one must build some convincing arguments and rational therefore critical thinking development. Photography as an art is what I love looking at in my everyday life. This is because photos it enables us ...
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