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Books Review

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Books Review
As Fawaz narrates, the Middle East was not only ravaged by the war; it destroyed all
the economies and societies as well as decimating a lot of armies. The war led to the killing
of very many men, and the ones that were left were crippled (Fawaz, 2014). The places that
were once called home were neglected because of the mass killings and migration. Families
were scattered, and people lost their lives as a result of hunger and starvation. When the war
ended, the region was hit by political upheavals (Fawaz, 2014). The Ottoman Imperial system
was shattered because it was faulty. The region was further divided into influence spheres
due to the Sykes-picot agreement of 1916 (Fawaz, 2014). Hopelessness and family
displacements are what would impact people’s personal lives and family. The societal norms
are lost entirely, and the people become resentful (Mock, 2018), and vengeance becomes a
priority. The massive massacring of people leaving the villages without people was what
stood out most for me. The reason being, that not even innocent children were spared.
According to Robson, the strategic moves of the Europeans brought together the
Zionist movement and the ottoman political practice to divide the religious and ethnic
minorities physically from the majority of Muslim Arabs (Robson, 2017). Through violent
strategies, ethnic separations were enacted whereby ethnic groups were partitioned, and
populations were transferred. During the occupation of Syria, Palestine, and Iraq by French
and British, both governments and the League of Nations took a linked but varied campaign
to ethnically remove and separate the Assyrian, Armenians, as well as Jewish groups in the
named countries (Robson, 2017). That was a very systematic move to control the colonial
Biographies/memoirs give starting passage to the investigation of timeframes and of
spots with which there might be a little commonality. For readers, it is barely like work, it is

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Running head: BOOKS REVIEW 1 Books Review Institution Name Date BOOKS REVIEW 2 Books Review As Fawaz narrates, the Middle East was not only ravaged by the war; it destroyed all the economies and societies as well as decimating a lot of armies. The war led to the killing of very many men, and the ones that were left were crippled (Fawaz, 2014). The places that were once called home were neglected because of the mass killings and migration. Families were scattered, and people lost their lives as a result of hunger and starvation. When the war ended, the region was hit by political upheavals (Fawaz, 2014). The Ottoman Imperial system was shattered because it was faulty. The region was further divided into influence spheres due to the Sykes-picot agreement of 1916 (Fawaz, 2014). Hopelessness and family displacements are what would impact people’s personal lives and family. The societal norms are lost entirely, and the people become resentful (Mock, 2018), and vengeance becomes a priority. The massive massacring of people leaving the villages without people was what stood out most for me. The reason being, that not even innocent children were spared. According to Robson, the str ...
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