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Hinduism Overall Goals

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Hinduism. Overall goals
Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras are the four fundamental classes that
have been partitioned by the Caste system. Ganesha is known as the God of riches, sciences,
information, intelligence and thriving, and that is the reason most Hindus recall him and look
for his favors before beginning any significant work.
Brahmins being the class of priests mandated with the study of Vedas, the
performance of rituals and rites for people as well as for themselves (Sampath, 2020). Since
they act as the temple priests, they are supposed to lead by example, show good behaviour
while pursuing the divine knowledge as well as traditions preservation. By so doing they
shall have achieved the lord Ganesh blessings.
Kshatriyas who are usually the warrior class are mandated in protecting the people,
study the Vedas, conduct sacrifices to both the ancestors and the gods and also abstinence
from sensual pleasures. To perform all this, they involve the lord Ganesh for guidance and to
be able to dispense justice. Vaisyas being the peasants and Merchants (Sampath, 2020), they
are mandated with tending cattle and offering sacrifices, money lending, as well as trading.
Can involve lord Ganesh for guidance during their daily work of trade to be able to make
more as he is the lord of wealth.
Shudras, as they serve the other three castes, need the knowledge and strength to do
so. They must involve the lord Ganesh in their daily performance of their duties (Sampath,
2020). As I proceed to pursue my education, I believe I closely relate to the Brahmins. This is
because of the person I think will become once I finish school. Placing myself in the
Brahmins caste, it's easier to feel the sense of belonging.

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Running head: HINDUISM. OVERALL GOALS Hinduism Overall Goals Institution Name Date 1 HINDUISM. OVERALL GOALS 2 Hinduism. Overall goals Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras are the four fundamental classes that have been partitioned by the Caste system. Ganesha is known as the God of riches, sciences, information, intelligence and thriving, and that is the reason most Hindus recall him and look for his favors before beginning any significant work. Brahmins being the class of priests mandated with the study of Vedas, the performance of rituals and rites for people as well as for themselves (Sampath, 2020). Since they act as the temple priests, they are supposed to lead by example, show good behaviour while pursuing the divine knowledge as well as traditions preservation. By so doing they shall have achieved the lord Ganesh blessings. Kshatriyas who are usually the warrior c ...
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