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Transcendence Experience and Science

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Transcendence Experience and Science
A person is subsumed in a reality that is all-encompassing something that marks the
transcendent experience. A more expansive perspective takes over someone’s all experience
aspects once the boundary between the outside world and the self is broken. Something
bigger than one’s self takes over during that period and it replaces the self. During this
experience, hidden revelations, all-pervading sentience or inexpressible truths are
communicated by a higher intelligence.
In James experience with transcendent, he describes that the experiences could only
be tested by their fruits of life. This means that not even James believed in scientific way of
testing them (Taylor, 2018). I concur with him on the sense that if at all those experiences
involve someone’s subconscious it means there is that huge gap between when the mind fully
functional and when it completely detached from the normal way of life (Taylor, 2018).
Many of those that have experienced the scenario describe the experience as of another
world. In his further description of the experience, James says that those experiences are
mystical conscious state rooted and they involve normal reality transcendence. This shows
that the paths for scientific examination were being shattered.
However the concept of transcendence hasn’t closed the possibility of a scientific
approach examination. In a recent research of a team of neuroscientist and psychologists
headed by David Yaden believes that transcendence is highly associated with positive
wellbeing rather than mental disorders or psychopathology as some believed before (Yaden et
al., 2017). In their article, The Varieties of Self-Transcendence Experience, they outlined
mental states such as mystical experiences, love, pick flow and awe. They further noted that
increased feeling of connectedness and decreased feeling of the self marks the transient state.

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Running head: TRANSCENDENCE EXPERIENCE AND SCIENCE Transcendence Experience and Science Institution Name Date 1 TRANSCENDENCE EXPERIENCE AND SCIENCE 2 Transcendence Experience and Science A person is subsumed in a reality that is all-encompassing something that marks the transcendent experience. A more expansive perspective takes over someone’s all experience aspects once the boundary between the outside world and the self is broken. Something bigger than one’s self takes over during that period and it replaces the self. During this experience, hidden revelations, all-pervading sentience or inexpressible truths are communicated by a higher intelligence. In James experience with transcendent, he describes that the experiences could only be tested by their fruits of life. This means that not even James believed in scientific way of testing them (Taylor, 2018). I concur with him o ...
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