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Compare Media Coverage of Previous Viral Outbreaks with the Current Media
Coverage of Coronavirus

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Media Coverage of Coronavirus in 2020 vs. Ebola in 2018
Coronavirus headlines had dominated the media across the world from when it was
declared in December 2019. This is because it has spread to over 20 countries originating
from china (Ducharme, 2020). All media houses are struggling to learn their impact,
trajectory, and origin. The coverage of the Covid19 virus has been unusually massive when
compared to recent other threats such as the outbreak of Ebola in DR Congo that happened in
2018 up to date.
As per data from LexisNexis, in January only, this was the first month of the
pandemic, and “Coronavirus word was mentioned in over 41,000 news articles written in the
English language. Additionally, it was headlined in 19,000 of these print Media (Ducharme,
2020). By contrast, during the first month of the Ebola outbreak in 2018, it is only 1,800 print
news articles the mentioned the word “Ebola” as well as just mentioned in 700 headlines.
The most fundamental reason why the Coronavirus has been widely covered maybe
because it is a new phenomenon and nobody really understands how the end would be as well
as people everywhere needs the information on what to do. On the other hand, when Ebola
first hit DR Congo, it had previously massacred the West African countries between 2014
and 2016 and was widely covered.
In another understanding of the media, the Covid19 spread in over 20 countries and
most specifically hit the US very hard. Since everyone understands that every time such an
issue impacts the United States, the western media makes it a big deal. The coverage also has
more to do with the ties between China and the U.S than the real issue of viruses. The two
countries' geopolitical and economic interests are entwined to an extent more significant than
those of DRC and the U.S. Therefore, it is not hard to comprehend why the Ebola crisis got
less coverage and also the fact that Africa to Americans is an Afterthought.

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Running head: COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA 1 Compare Media Coverage of Previous Viral Outbreaks with the Current Media Coverage of Coronavirus Institution Name Date COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA 2 Media Coverage of Coronavirus in 2020 vs. Ebola in 2018 Coronavirus headlines had dominated the media across the world from when it was declared in December 2019. This is because it has spread to over 20 countries originating from china (Ducharme, 2020). All media houses are struggling to learn their impact, trajectory, and origin. The coverage of the Covid19 virus has been unusually massive when compared to recent other threats such as the outbreak of Ebola in DR Congo that happened in 2018 up to date. As per data from LexisNexis, in January only, this was the first month of the pandemic, and “Coronavirus” word was mentioned in over 41,000 news articles written in the English language. Additi ...
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