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Black people reparation

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Black People Reparation
The daily show clip was very educative as well as humorous. It is disturbing to hear
prominent people ignore the fact that slavery was the primary reason why very many black
people are poor. They ignore the fact that reparation is slavery restitution. It is kind of an
apology to the black race whose ancestors were forcefully arrested and forced into the slave
trade. The ignorance that the slave trade was practised by their ancestors to other races
ancestors should be ignored because it is part of history that shaped the inferior race way of
life. It should be known that the effects of those ancestors capture and forced into slave trade
has a very severe impact on their generations.
As much as many academicians, as well as advocates, have tried to campaign for the
reparation of black people, some politicians have stepped up to dismiss the issue. In my
opinion, I think that black people should receive their share of compensation. This is because
these people were forced into working in white peoples land while earning low incomes that
were exploitative and at very adverse environments. Even after the end of the slave trade, the
black people were denied, voting rights, education as well as the right to own properties.
They were, in many cases, treated as unequal. It is worth noting that the holocaust victims
and the Japanese Americans were compensated why not the blacks?
In conclusion, it is very right to repatriate the black community for the paid they have
endured throughout the years of the slave trade as well as the post slave trade era. Their
dignity was and has been lowered to date. It might not heal their wounds, but it will help their
living standards and get out of poverty.

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Black People Reparation The daily show clip was very educative as well as humorous. It is disturbing to hear prominent people ignore the fact that slavery was the primary reason why very many black people are poor. They ignore the fact that reparation is slavery restitution. It is kind of an apology to the black race whose ancestors were forcefully arrested and forced into the slave trade. The ignorance that the slave trade was practised by their ancestors to other races ancestors should be ignored because it is part of history that shaped the inferior race way of life. It should be known that ...
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