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Child development

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Family factors that influence personality and social development of children.
Personality and social development of children are influenced by different factors that
include income, housing or environment, education, and geographical influence. Income
determines the development of the child because when the family is experiencing a lot of
stress-related to financial strain and stress as well as unmanageable high debt, that child will
grow up in a house that doesn't show any level of happiness. This also means that the kid may
lack crucial needs that are essential to healthy growth.
In the case of housing and environment, the child needs a less crowded house to grow
in. Children need space to play; therefore, it becomes essential for every kid to have one. It is
worth noting that a deprived child does poor than a well-nurtured one. When a child is
immersed in a pleasant environment leads to better growth of that child. A loving family and
a good school build strong social as well as interpersonal skills in children, which in return
leads to their excellence in academics and other activities.
An educated family means awareness of the children's needs; therefore, such a family
grows their child in a way that correlates with the family norms. They ensure that the child
from that young age is introduced to playing materials or toys that stimulate the development
of literacy. Family beliefs and practices should encourage the development of their children's
Geographical influence can determine how a child turns out to be in the future. The
neighborhood the child grows, the peers the child blends with, and also the opportunities and
activities offered by the society affect the social development of a child. A community with
social parks and libraries would positively impact on a kid's social welfare and personality.

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Family factors that influence personality and social development of children. Personality and social development of children are influenced by different factors that include income, housing or environment, education, and geographical influence. Income determines the development of the child because when the family is experiencing a lot of stress-related to financial strain and stress as well as unmanageable high debt, that child will grow up in a house that doesn't show any level of happiness. This also means that the kid may lack crucial needs that are essential to healthy growth. In the case ...
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