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Dual languages for early childhood education

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Research Topic: Dual Languages for Early Childhood Education
Dual language in early childhood education involves teaching young children in a
language other than their primary language. It involves English learners and dual learners;
whereby English learners are those children whose first language is not English and they are
involved in learning English for the first time in a preschool setting. Dual learners are those
children who have English as their first language and they learn other languages as their
second language in preschool(Farrugia et al, 25-35). They acquire two or more languages
simultaneously and learn the other language while at the same time continuing to develop
their first language. This research topic is very important because it will enable children to be
able to communicate well with different languages and thus their scope of interaction with
people in the world is increased. This research project has a high probability of being
successful because it completely fulfils all the characteristics of a successful research project,
which include feasibility, interesting, novel, ethical and relevant.
To begin with, this proposed research topic is feasible in that it is manageable in
scope. For the project to be complete, project managers and supervisors need to allocate the
right amount of work necessary to complete a project(Farrugia et al, 65). There should be
documentation of the total number of children that need to benefit from this program. In
relation to the number of teachers that are available, this will help the government to come up
with the right proportion of division of the work among them. This is very possible because
for instance in Hong Kong the number of labourers who can help in teaching the children
especially English learners. Adequate expertise, therefore, is not a problem because there are
a lot of teachers in early hood education who have done other languages like English and they
can confidently and teach the children well. The subjects or the languages to be taught also is
not a problem to choose. The common languages to choose that are commonly used in the
world are English and French. The problem will, therefore, be termed as feasible because of
its ability to fulfil all these characteristics.
The project is also a very interesting one because it is a matter that interests the
invigilator and the community. Community members will always like this because of the
advantages that dual-language programs it comes with. One of the advantages is that it helps
the children to have enhanced communication skills. Apart from learning another language,
there are benefits that come with the process of learning(Farrugia et al, 55). This is because
learning a new language improves children’s communication skills and help them to
understand more about how language works. They get to learn how to express themselves in
different or in new ways and how to make people understand what they are saying. Learning
different ways to express yourself helps children to develop good relationships with their
peers and even their parents. It is the wish of every single community member to see their
children developing good relations with their friends.
This research project can be very successful because of its ability to refute the
previous research findings. Long before Hongkongers used to see teaching children dual
languages was a sort of burdening them. Theorists argued that children's minds were too
small to accommodate a lot of things that they deemed them to be of no very great
importance(Farrugia et al, 45-50). They argued that there were other important things that
children could be taught for instance their course work in preschool should have been
majoring on the specialization of what they are best in. This proposal research, however, has
the idea that having dual languages in early childhood education increases the children’s
ability to learn other things that are important in their course work.
The research project is also very ethical. All the research questions are aligned with
Childhood Institution Review Board guidelines. It does not bring any harm to the children, or
even to the community in general. In fact, it is aligned with human rights, that is the right to
speech and right to socialize and interact with other people(Farrugia et al, 45). Having

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Surname 1 Research Topic: Dual Languages for Early Childhood Education Dual language in early childhood education involves teaching young children in a language other than their primary language. It involves English learners and dual learners; whereby English learners are those children whose first language is not English and they are involved in learning English for the first time in a preschool setting. Dual learners are those children who have English as their first language and they learn other languages as their second language in preschool(Farrugia et al, 25-35). They acquire two or more ...
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