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Ethics in business

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Customer name 1
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
02 April 2020
Question1. Risks and Consequences of Unethical Behavior in an Organization
Companies have most probably never had they felt so constrained to be more centred
on clients. Customers are appealing more, savvy as well as know precisely how to achieve
everything they want. In the exceptionally serious and testing conditions of the business,
organizations should choose the option to agree. The difficulties do not end with being
focused towards client needs alone customers should have an opportunity to believe that
organizations, together with their employees, are ethical and straightforward. Between the
most grounded mainstays of any current business, attachment ought to be trust and clients
look towards working with organizations that have gained reputations of being honest and
straightforward in their transactions.
Companies’ inability to keep their customers for long term relationship is one worst
outcome of practising unscrupulous behaviours on business. Moreover, expensive litigations
are what that lead to business vulnerabilities. Further accusations of the business because of
an instance of unethical behaviour may harm the reputation of the company completely,
whether the accusations were true or just false allegations that competitors or people with ill
intentions circulate. Customers usually rely heavily on structured guidance and accurate
information that comes from the company representatives and the owners; however, much
information they gather from the internet sources and other market intelligence strategies.
Companies must act accordingly in making sure the business ethics are maintained as the

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Customer name 2
business environment becomes more competitive; otherwise they will be faced by the effects
that are very damaging to both the representatives and the company. Company's malpractices
should be treated seriously because ignoring by thinking that the clients will know it is ill-
advised because they always find out.
Customers avoiding companys product completely is another negative business
unethical behaviour effect because the affected usually incite other customers also to ignore.
Once a company's sales levels fall, it means a company's share prices will fall, a decrease in
profits. Consequently, the stakeholders and the investors shall be driven away because people
will never invest their money in a failed organization.
Due to the inability to understand the intentions of others, there would be a company's
internal conflicts, distrust, stress and confusion. This poor working conditions and
environment would lower the morale, lead to attrition of employees, decreased productivity
which finally would lead to the company’s downfall.
Question2. Developing an Ethical Culture in a Business
Managing an ethical risk is inconceivably troublesome, generally in light of the fact that you
can't foresee what a representative is thinking or control all of their activities. Nonetheless,
discovering approaches to deal with this hazard is fundamental: one individual's decisions
can cost a considerable number of dollars, close down a business perpetually, and harm
clients. That sort of conduct can cause huge issues with resolve and could even prompt
lawsuits. While hazard shirking is unthinkable, here are a couple of things I would do to
reduce the opportunity of being a piece of the most recent embarrassment.
Promote your values and lead by example

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Customer name 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject 02 April 2020 Question1. Risks and Consequences of Unethical Behavior in an Organization Companies have most probably never had they felt so constrained to be more centred on clients. Customers are appealing more, savvy as well as know precisely how to achieve everything they want. In the exceptionally serious and testing conditions of the business, organizations should choose the option to agree. The difficulties do not end with being focused towards client needs alone – customers should have an opportunity to believe that organizations, together with their employees, are ethical and straightforward. Between the most grounded mainstays of any current business, attachment ought to be trust and clients look towards working with organizations that have gained reputations of being honest and straightforward in their transactions. Companies’ inability to keep their customers for long term relationship is one worst outcome of practising unscrupulous behaviours on business. Moreover, expensive litigations are what that lead to business vulnerabilities. Further accusations of the business because of an instance of unethical behaviour may harm the reputation of the company completely, whether the accusations were true or just false allegations that competitors or people with ill intentions circulate. Customers usually rely heavily on structured guidance and accurate information that comes from the company representatives ...
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