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Four dimensions hong kong on the tourism carrying capacity

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Research Done Hong Kong on the Tourism Carrying Capacity
Since the year 2012 Hong Kong could not always allow more visitors on several
dimensions. It has been worrying ever since Hong Kong's tourist appeal has always been
stronger than its capacity to hold more tourists. The four different dimensions that have
always determined the tourism carrying capacity of Hong Kong include, economic
dimension, Environmental and natural resource dimension and sociocultural dimension and
lastly availability of transportation and infrastructural facilities and services (Zhang, Tingting,
&Cihan, 67-68). To determine whether Hong Kong can accommodate more tourists or the
carrying capacity of tourists, different research institutes have carried out several types of
research based on the four dimensions. According to the United Nations world tourism
organization, tourism carrying capacity is the maximum number of people that can visit a
certain destination without causing any destruction of the physical, and social environment.
Economic Dimension
Based on the economic environment as one of the factors affecting the tourism
carrying capacity, it can be analyzed that Hong Kong has researched tourism carrying
capacity. Recently the Chief Executive Officer Leung Chun-Ying announced the suspension
of the new policy that would have allowed 4.1 million non-residents of Shenzhen to enter
Hong Kong on multiple-visit permits. This comes after a thorough analysis of the effects that
these visits are going to have on the economy of Hong Kong. First of all, it would lead to an

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opportunity cost of investment and this would mean that other sectors of the economy would
be neglected so that the coming tourists will be well served and also to make sure that their
needs and expectations are met. The other sectors of the economy will in turn not get enough
support from the government(Zhang, Tingting, &Cihan, 68). The government took into
consideration that Hong Kong is a mixed economy city and majoring only in one sector will
create an imbalance that will greatly affect the city and China as a country. The city majors
on several sectors like trading, logistics, professional and also production activities. There are
very many industries in the city like steel industries and for all these departments of the
economy to do well, they must receive a lot of support from the government through
taxpayers money and other revenues that the government obtains from its citizens and other
various sources.
Another analysis that shows that Hong Kong researched the tourism carrying capacity
based on the economic dimension is that fact that there has been a limitation of the number of
tourists coming in Hong Kong and this could be because overdependence on tourism for
employment has negative effects on the economy. Researchers analyzed that one any nation
has more tourists than it can comfortably handle there could be the possibility of over
depending on tourism for employment and this does not give rise to a healthy economy. For a
city to be termed as an economically healthy city, it should have sources of employment from
all the different sectors of the economy(Tolkach, 78). A certain percentage of the source of
employment should come from the industrial department, professional department like
education where people are employed to be teachers, health department where people are
employed to be doctors, dentists, nurses, psychiatrists and so forth and so on. Another
percentage should also come form trading activities through things such as export and import
trade between countries. Allowing a lot of tourists to come into the city will mean that a lot of
people need to be employed to be able to cater to the needs of all these tourists. This will

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Surname 1 Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Research Done Hong Kong on the Tourism Carrying Capacity Introduction Since the year 2012 Hong Kong could not always allow more visitors on several dimensions. It has been worrying ever since Hong Kong's tourist appeal has always been stronger than its capacity to hold more tourists. The four different dimensions that have always determined the tourism carrying capacity of Hong Kong include, economic dimension, Environmental and natural resource dimension and sociocultural dimension and lastly availability of transportation and infrastructural facilities and services (Zhang, Tingting, &Cihan, 67-68). To determine whether Hong Kong can accommodate more tourists or the carrying capacity of tourists, different research institutes have carried out several types of research based on the four dimensions. According to the United Nations world tourism organization, tourism carrying capacity is the maximum number of people that can visit a certain destination without causing any destruction of the physical, and social environment. Economic Dimension Based on the economic environment as one of the factors affecting the tourism carrying capacity, it can be analyzed that Hong Kong has researched tourism carrying capacity. Recently the Chief Executive Officer Leung Chun-Ying announced the suspension of the new policy that would have allowed 4.1 million non-residents of Shenzhen to enter Hong Kong on multiple-visit permits. This comes after a thorough ...
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