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How environment shapes human development

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How Environment Shapes Human Development
Erikson's theory of human beings development is most popular among theories about
personality. The argument is different from many theories because it addresses life-long
development, from birth to death. The individual tackles a dispute at each stage that operates
as a defining moment of growth. When all the conflict ends effectively, the person can extend
the psychosocial consistency connected with the specific development stage. In the following
discussion, I will talk about my human development and how the background I grew on has
impacted to my growth as a human.
My dad, [Fathers Name], had no college education or riches; despite those drawbacks,
he exhibited tremendous innate knowledge and pure spiritual goodness. Through his wife,
[Mom's name], he had a perfect helpmate. I don't remember how many people she fed every
day, but I'm quite confident that we had slightly more external people eating with us than the
whole family had. During my youth, my parents supported me tremendously and not only me
but also our neighbors who visited our estate. I relied on them all my life, no single problem I
could have endured without their unconditional support. Each child is born, with certain
hereditary traits, in a particular socio-economic as well as emotional setting, and taught in a
variety of ways by authority figures. I inherited my father's honesty and self-discipline; my
mother's faith in goodness and profound kindness I always treat people I meet as my parents
did in my life. In support of Erikson's Human Development Theory (Stevenson-Hinde, 2007),
outlined how the quality of the early interaction experience can influence relations in
subsequent lives.
I was born into a loving family. As already stated, my parents have always provided
uncompromising encouragement for all I want to do. Nevertheless, they are not the only ones
who guided me in the right manner in my existence. I was born in a somewhat coherent
family. I had a marvelous childhood, but I think it lasted longer than expected. During my
childhood, I was encouraged to play, play, and play so that I could keep off my parent's hair
when they were doing stuff. They could rarely stop me from getting something without
realizing the effect it could have on my future, but it genuinely made me choose to make
them more proud. Most parents prefer their kids to participate in athletics, music, art lessons,
etc. If I decided to do this stuff, I'm glad my parents could have enrolled me. When I was
seven years old, I was delighted with swimming lessons on Tuesday and Saturday and one
dance lesson per week. Therefore by being able to choose games I involved freely in was a
credit to my parents as it enabled me to gain autonomy and independence, which is a quality,
achieved through human development (Christman, 2015).
I firmly suppose I'd be a different person if I didn't attend the Bible School as a small
child. The Bible School was a week-long event, 4 hours every evening, where the Lord's
word was taught to children through music, stories, and drawings. After this, we broke up
into separate groups (depending on age) then went to respective classes. In the class, I got to
learn the Bible teachings and how they correlated with my life. Additionally, I mastered
various scriptures of the Bible, ate cookies, and created crafts relevant to the story of the
Bible. The Bible School was time for me to get together with friends, be taught about the
Lord, and also have a great time, but during that time, I was more interested with friends than
values of the Lord. As I got older, I discovered how the Bible School influenced my life.
Every teaching I studied at the Bible School stuck with me, and that changed my moral

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Running head: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1 How Environment Shapes Human Development Erikson's theory of human beings development is most popular among theories about personality. The argument is different from many theories because it addresses life-long development, from birth to death. The individual tackles a dispute at each stage that operates as a defining moment of growth. When all the conflict ends effectively, the person can extend the psychosocial consistency connected with the specific development stage. In the following discussion, I will talk about my human development and how the backgro ...
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