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Law which branch of government should be changing law and the constitution

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Which branch of government should be changing law and the Constitution?
The constitution of the United States was designed in manner that each branch of the
government is independent in such a way that there is separation of powers. At no any time
should any branch of government meddle with other branches business. Therefore, the
judicially should keep their main job of law interpretation and the congress make laws,
amend laws as well as the constitution. The system of checks and balances enable each
branch to operate independently while making sure other branches do not over step their
Therefore, Scalia is very right when he says that the congress should fully make law
and amend the constitution. In other case, the congress is elected by the people and therefore
they represent the peoples will and what affects them in their daily life. Therefore, the
congress is capable of making laws and also amending the constitution in accordance with the
peoples will.

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Which branch of government should be changing law and the Constitution? The constitution of the United States was designed in manner that each branch of the government is independent in such a way that there is separation of powers. At no any time should any branch of government meddle with other branches business. Therefore, the judicially should keep their main job of law interpretation and the congress make laws, amend laws as well as the constitution. The system of checks and balances enable each branch to operate independently while making sure other branches do not over step their mandat ...
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