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Technology in business

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Technology in Business
Innovation can be a business's closest friend, yet its most exceedingly awful adversary
simultaneously. Throughout the early periods of development for artificial intelligence or
dedicated searches on the web, most organizations clamored to guarantee their interest in
innovation remained obvious. In actuality, today, no one is utilizing technology because it is
there; quality is what the customers demand rather than mere publicity.
Does having technology in a business enhance or hurt their chances for success?
At the moment, no business entity, whether small or big, can manage to run without
the technology offered by the world today. Gadgets such as computers and mobile phones are
a must. The existing organizational problems are what the people want to see being solved by
technology (Wu et al. 497). In some businesses, without technology, they could be nowhere
in terms of operations and success. Nevertheless, it is not true that companies must grow
because they use technology. The most crucial thing is to understand its application in
culture, business as well as the processes.
As part of management and adoption change, once it has been introduced to any
company, there ought to be a productivity decrease for some time (Wu et al. 497). Business
issues must not always be solved by technology. For example, Zara is one of the most
accomplished retail brands all over the world, and it became successful through its strength of
giving clients the first priority (Martin Roll). It is not true to say that technology hurts
business; instead, it is right to understand that it is not the only determinant of success. Before

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implementing any new technology in a business, it is advisable to plan for change and
transition so that it can impact positively to your business.
Actualizing or applying an innovation requires earlier planning for it to work. Instead
of proposing its most evident possible use or making it an artistic element, the best thing is to
envision how it could take care of clients' issues.

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Surname 1 Student’s name Professor’s name Subject Date Technology in Business Introduction Innovation can be a business's closest friend, yet its most exceedingly awful adversary simultaneously. Throughout the early periods of development for artificial intelligence or dedicated searches on the web, most organizations clamored to guarantee their interest in innovation remained obvious. In actuality, today, no one is utilizing technology because it is there; quality is what the customers demand rather than mere publicity. Does having technology in a business enhance or hurt their chances for success? At the moment, no business entity, whether small or big, can manage to run without the technology offered by the world today. Gadgets such as computers and mobile phones are a must. The existing organizational problems are what the people want to see being solved by technology (Wu et al. ...
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